Test Suspension - Effective Site Enhancement?


New member
Over the years i have unfortunately developed very uneven Vastus Lateralis. Right Much bigger than the left.

Would ED inj of test Suspension into the left Vastus Lateralis, say 6 week cycle (bulking) do much for this, or just a myth?
Yes so i have heard, much like winstrol i would suspect.
for some reason all the steroid profiles floating around claim some sort of "site enhancement" from inj sites from this drug, wonder why they would claim that if untrue?
Yes so i have heard, much like winstrol i would suspect.
for some reason all the steroid profiles floating around claim some sort of "site enhancement" from inj sites from this drug, wonder why they would claim that if untrue?

winstrol is nothing compared to the pain of test suspension... some may say it's the same, but I've ran winstrol many times and can bear it, I tried test suspension once back in the 90's and never touched the stuff again