Would it be a wise move to compliment weekly ethanate injections with very light ED site injecions of test Suspension in order to prioritize growth in lagging muscles (In my case those damn F%#*ing calves and triceps)?
Yes, Ive used test suspension several times and without consistent daily or twice a day inj. like stone cold said your levels will be bouncing all over the place. Besides that suspension clogs sometimes while injecting since its water based and its just not worth the sides if your proned to them. Since this is your first cycle you dont know how you will react to test, therefore enanthate is your best choice since its half life is 7-10 days which will enable more consistent levels.
I wasn't planning on doing it on my first cycle, just wondering how realistic it is so I might incorporate it once I get a few cycles under my belt. You guys changed my mind though, no reason to stick myself that often when site specific results haven't been proven.
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