Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Where in the sam hill is Santa? this has been my go to thread every day when i wake up in the afternoon. We miss you man! Hope all is well. :eyepoke:
Where in the sam hill is Santa? this has been my go to thread every day when i wake up in the afternoon. We miss you man! Hope all is well. :eyepoke:

Santa has been playing hide the penis with different girls the past week or two lol...
Also shed some water á la escobar style...
I dared to stand on a scale today and i've dropped back to about where I started before cycle lol...

Nah not all that bad... I've dropped 3.3 kilos and i'm plus 1.7kg before cycle....BUT... i've also lost 6-7% bodyfat. Which is sorta where I define the success of my cycle.. Abs before hoes or something lol..
The issue has been the forearm injury and lack of training for 3 weeks just at the end of a cycle... Then add girls and party on top of that and you got a recipe for disaster...Well, at least in terms of muscle loss. My penis hasnt had this much fun in years lol...

But i'm honestly amazingly content with life right now, its treating me very good and im just gonna ride the wave for now.
I did my last pin yesterday or day before that... Anyhow I'll be jumping on PCT (clomid/nolva) starting sunday.
I'm also back in the gym starting monday. Think i'll rebound decently.

Also cutting back on gym time end of august and going back to boxing training 3x90 min per week and havent decided...I like doing legs on their own day but that means i'll have to train 6 times per week... Not sure I'm up for that commitment with everything else thats so much more fun in my life right now.
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Decided to push PCT until tomorrow monday. Just let it bleed down a bit more since I'm unsure about last pin.
Last couple days i've been doing 10mg asin ed but starting tomorrow i'll cut it down to 10mg eod. I only have enough for a 10 days but I'm confident that will be enough to stabilize me going forward.
Overall I feel great, still concerned about my hematocrit levels but cant donate so it is what it is.

As it is right now I'll probably go back to 2on, 1off, 2on, 2off. Meaning mon,tues, thurs,fri.
Except legs i'll probably do a lot of "feel" training...is something sore ? Do something else. Something dont feel good today? Do something else. Something feels extra good even though you trained it yesterday? Train again.
I would say with boxing and this setup i'm in effect going into maintaince phase with focus on slowly dropping a bit more bodyfat, restore the muscle loss and maintain without having that extreme commitment mentally.
Basically bring the fun back to it.

I feel i've gotten a solid base back, bodyfat is down, I feel good, I look good, my confidence is back and life is moving forward at a fun pace.
I just want to give a shout out to JP, tankmanbob, Milton, casanova, oldmusclemike and 3J for all the tremendous patience, knowledge, handholding and generally being there in my times of panic and crisis, both here and in PM. Really grateful and appreciate it!
It would not have been possible without all of you and the community as a whole!!
I'm aware i've come off as a dick at times but i got nothing but bro love for all of you :D
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This thread has been a great one bro. Keep it goin and let us know how maintenance is going.
Please do something about the hematocrit if it's an issue. Donate or go to the doc to take some blood off of you. Dont want you stroking out on us ;)
This thread has been a great one bro. Keep it goin and let us know how maintenance is going.
Please do something about the hematocrit if it's an issue. Donate or go to the doc to take some blood off of you. Dont want you stroking out on us ;)

If somethings gonna kill me...its gonna be this 19y old i've been dating the past week...omg.. I think i've found the fountain of youth...
I just want to give a shout out to JP, tankmanbob, Milton, casanova, oldmusclemike and 3J for all the tremendous patience, knowledge, handholding and generally being there in my times of panic and crisis, both here and in PM. Really grateful and appreciate it!
It would not have been possible without all of you and the community as a whole!!
I'm aware i've come off as a dick at times but i got nothing but bro love for all of you :D

Good to hear things are going well. and thank for the update!
So after like literally 2.5 months in postal limbo... My refill of GH and IGF1-LR3 came....
Problem is, its only 100iu and 4x1mg vials...
Gonna do tattoo this week so figured pinning 2 gh wouldnt hurt, plus then i can run for 50 days (which covers rest of my PCT)
Today was first day in shower i noticed my balls seem to be growing back again, which means I'm slowly recovering.

I have no idea about the IGF1 dosing though... I reconstituted with 1ml bac and did 20 iu yesterday and 20 iu just now.
Which should be 200 mcg per dose?

Whats the recommended dose, couldn't find any information :(
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I do have some diet issues and i've fucked up it up big time.
Nothing but junk food for past 10 days..
Looks actually quite funny, pretty skinny, since I lost a lot of muscle to drug abuse, party, injuries, you name it....
BUT...with a huge but tiny beer belly that is between pelvis(?) and last 2 abs...

I'm not letting it bothering me to much. I've had to much fun basically and I cant be mad or annoyed for having fun, thats whats life is all about :)
With that said, I'm definitely putting a break on fatgaining and going back to a normal diet plus getting back into both boxing and gym will make world of difference.

Right now I'm looking forward to next cycle and hopefully with good blood work I can push it to early november, maybe late dec. We'll see.

Miss you bro's :)
I do have some diet issues and i've fucked up it up big time.
Nothing but junk food for past 10 days..
Looks actually quite funny, pretty skinny, since I lost a lot of muscle to drug abuse, party, injuries, you name it....
BUT...with a huge but tiny beer belly that is between pelvis(?) and last 2 abs...

I'm not letting it bothering me to much. I've had to much fun basically and I cant be mad or annoyed for having fun, thats whats life is all about :)
With that said, I'm definitely putting a break on fatgaining and going back to a normal diet plus getting back into both boxing and gym will make world of difference.

Right now I'm looking forward to next cycle and hopefully with good blood work I can push it to early november, maybe late dec. We'll see.

Miss you bro's :)

I figured that much and shame on you man, but i will not judge you for falling off the wagon, weve all done it. you have to go fruit loops and enjoy life once in a while otherwise youll drive yourself mad.
Shit:Pat: who would have thought Santa parting:Party: abuse drugs and on hgh steroids :smokepoke:insane2::insane2: I don't want to hear none this shit, I love Santa Claus :kiss:
I figured that much and shame on you man, but i will not judge you for falling off the wagon, weve all done it. you have to go fruit loops and enjoy life once in a while otherwise youll drive yourself mad.

It hasn't been that bad. The root cause was the retarded shoulder and immediately after forearm hairline fracture injury that made me stop going to the gym, that let to a lot of boredom, which lead to girls, which lead to party and once you set me off... Specially after half a year break...Well...
You got a recipe for some fucking fun fucking expensive shit haha :D

On a more related note. Did a new tattoo this week (It went so good, my tattoo artist wants me to compete next weekend in the "Realism" category for him!!!!!!)
And also been running HGH and IGF1-LR1 the past week(?)
Can really notice a HUGE difference with igf1, i have insane amount of energy, very good sleep, very good well being feeling but mostly I feel young and fresh again!!!
Tattoo has been healing extremely well, almost unreal well...
And been eating some benzo to battle the come down depressions and no joke... IGF1 removes the "toxic/wasted" feeling very quickly. Within an hour almost...

Never tried anything so far in AAS that has had such a profound effect on so many levels...
Might just be placebo... Might just be the HGH/IGF1-LR1 combo, could be coming off 3500ng/dl testo levels and getting some rebound "power-feeling"
I might also have overdosed it quite fucking heavily... Cuz i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to take 500+mcg / day lol...
But i mean, an IU here or there goes in very easily...
Also been running 8iu hgh per day... Cuz well..you know.. They give burn victims about 2-3hgh/per day for increased recovery so figured double/triple dose would heal my tattoo the fastest. And boy has it healed good!!

Is it a waste? Money wise... Sure... Experiment wise? Fuck no.. I'll always include GH and igf1 in any cycle i'll ever do in the future :P

I might just run igf1 and gh rest of my life just for the well being, energy and youthfulness feelings.
Probably different peptides to produce igf and gh but yeh along those lines.
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I do feel i've let myself go...
I feel small, bit fat, very out of shape and not so happy with the body in the mirror anymore...

But... Its also been a fucking blessing just being offline, doing what I enjoy... Not living life on a robotic schedule...
Been having a ton of fun and like I said previously... I love myself and I aint mad for having fun... If i'm something, i'm tiny bit disappointed I haven't learned what moderation means yet lol....
I'm happy, I'm content. I will start boxing next week, slowly add in gym time.

Gonna let myself eat some candy and junk food this weekend to sorta end it but gotta put a stop to the bodyfat increase.
Bodyfat means everything to me or rather my 6 pack does lol... Nothing else matters unless you got a sixpack in my book lol...
So I need some advice and help from you bro's...
I started PCT 6th aug, so been on PCT roughly 25 days.
Mid august i realize both my nolva and clomd expired 3 and 4 months ago but been stored properly and in cartage popouts so no degrading.

First 10 days I ran 40mg nolva and 50mg clomid.
I also miscalculated my nolva, so will have ran for 32 days only.
Have 28x 50mg clomid left but last 20 pills, i will divide and take 25mg ED because I know it almost doubles my natural testosterone.

I feel fine overall, bit depressed and tired but there's reasons for that. Sexdrive has been low but no problem performing.
But my balls hasnt grown back to their original size and it freaks me out abit. They've grown for sure but like half size.

What do you veterans think? Does the PCT look ok? I'm i just over worrying? What about the expired nolva/clomid?

So I need some advice and help from you bro's...
I started PCT 6th aug, so been on PCT roughly 25 days.
Mid august i realize both my nolva and clomd expired 3 and 4 months ago but been stored properly and in cartage popouts so no degrading.

First 10 days I ran 40mg nolva and 50mg clomid.
I also miscalculated my nolva, so will have ran for 32 days only.
Have 28x 50mg clomid left but last 20 pills, i will divide and take 25mg ED because I know it almost doubles my natural testosterone.

I feel fine overall, bit depressed and tired but there's reasons for that. Sexdrive has been low but no problem performing.
But my balls hasnt grown back to their original size and it freaks me out abit. They've grown for sure but like half size.

What do you veterans think? Does the PCT look ok? I'm i just over worrying? What about the expired nolva/clomid?

Looks good from here, expired nolva/clomid should not be a problem as long as you stored it well.
Looks good from here, expired nolva/clomid should not be a problem as long as you stored it well.

Was mostly worried and wanted emotional support haha :P
Nolva runs out tomorrow and I've been doing 25mg clomid last 2 days and will run clomid 25mg ed for another 40 days.
Which puts my PCT up to around 70ish days.

Can donate blood in 2-3 weeks and will leave blood work after and see how I actually look on the inside.
I feel good to be honest... Sexdrive is nonexistent but no problems performing, just that lil soldier has no interest unless its thrown at him lol....... Balls has grown back to roughly 75%...hard to say...

Lesson for you youngsters(and me)... This is a lifestyle and a very egotistic one at that... And the commitment required is hard to fathom....
But i feel thirds the charm, some tweaked approach to AAS use in general but mostly I feel i've gained somewhat understand what it really requires and how easy it is to burn out.

Love you bro's #nohomo
Hahah.... I need to get back into the gym like weeks ago...

Meet this girl on tinder this weekend and ended up fucking so much my body is insanely sore today and took me a good 10 min to realize why...
My abs are burning, cant even laugh without it hurting, my legs and hamstrings feels like the worst training day ever and dont even get me started on the upper body lol....
Haven't felt so much pride and embarrassment in the same moment in my entire life. Thought i'd share :D