I figured that much and shame on you man, but i will not judge you for falling off the wagon, weve all done it. you have to go fruit loops and enjoy life once in a while otherwise youll drive yourself mad.
It hasn't been that bad. The root cause was the retarded shoulder and immediately after forearm hairline fracture injury that made me stop going to the gym, that let to a lot of boredom, which lead to girls, which lead to party and once you set me off... Specially after half a year break...Well...
You got a recipe for some fucking fun fucking expensive shit haha
On a more related note. Did a new tattoo this week (It went so good, my tattoo artist wants me to compete next weekend in the "Realism" category for him!!!!!!)
And also been running HGH and IGF1-LR1 the past week(?)
Can really notice a HUGE difference with igf1, i have insane amount of energy, very good sleep, very good well being feeling but mostly I feel young and fresh again!!!
Tattoo has been healing extremely well, almost unreal well...
And been eating some benzo to battle the come down depressions and no joke... IGF1 removes the "toxic/wasted" feeling very quickly. Within an hour almost...
Never tried anything so far in AAS that has had such a profound effect on so many levels...
Might just be placebo... Might just be the HGH/IGF1-LR1 combo, could be coming off 3500ng/dl testo levels and getting some rebound "power-feeling"
I might also have overdosed it quite fucking heavily... Cuz i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to take 500+mcg / day lol...
But i mean, an IU here or there goes in very easily...
Also been running 8iu hgh per day... Cuz well..you know.. They give burn victims about 2-3hgh/per day for increased recovery so figured double/triple dose would heal my tattoo the fastest. And boy has it healed good!!
Is it a waste? Money wise... Sure... Experiment wise? Fuck no.. I'll always include GH and igf1 in any cycle i'll ever do in the future
I might just run igf1 and gh rest of my life just for the well being, energy and youthfulness feelings.
Probably different peptides to produce igf and gh but yeh along those lines.