Test/tren/proviron transdermal + var/halo/mdht


I am banned!
Sept 10th I have an inhouse weightlifting meet.
1-9 test 500w
1-9 tren 500w
1-6 proviron 500w

1-4 var 75 mg
6-10 40mg halo
6-10 75 mg mdht
6-10 50mg Spiro
10-14 clen + keto
10-14 pct

push press to 405 from 350
Snatch grip deads from 550 to 605
Drop from 215 to 195
Snatch from 140 kg to 150
You dont think anyone wants to know what kind of results to expect with transdermals? Is this in the wrong section? I assumed this is where we share results, sides, pros and cons etc etc
Why transdermal? Just to experiment? I didn't know things other than test came in that form. Any advantages or just for the needle shy?
There are a few important advantages.
1. Being ester free, blood levels are similar to an oral cycle.

2. Ester-free powders are so cheap that even at very low efficiencies, transdermals are actually cheaper than buying vials.

3. Unless you have a very thorough set up, it is safer than home brewing.

Judging from the results I experience with transdermals, I estimate that I absorb about 60 to 70 percent. I have a very extensive protocol to maximize absorption.
I apply the transdermal after a shower, usually to the tops of my feet.
1. I exfoliate the tops of my feet with a mixture of activated carbon and baking soda. I use slow motions and minimal pressure.

2. I use distilled water to rinse the soda/carbon solution off. A gallon will last me about 10 days.

3. I apply the hormone solution to the skin. I keep it in a glass dropper vial. 1 ml is 100mg. The solvent is always dmso;but, sometimes I add other solvents.

4. I apply my carrier solution. I use a mixture of a solvent like alcohol, a moisturizer like aloe and a thickener like glycerine. Sometimes a little dmso aswell. I apply this over the hormone solution while its still a bit wet.

5. I wrap suran around my foot and put a sock on for atleast an hour.
Sounds like a pretty elaborate way to avoid injecting. Sorry to burst your bubble, but 70% absorption is not possible with transdermal application - that's just a fact of life.

I do applaud you for thinking outside the box, but using cost as a reason is kind of silly as I know how difficult it can be to truly source a REAL ester free raw. Even then, without a mass spec, there's no way of being certain.

I don't brew as I don't have the proper environment, nor do I personally think the savings justify the additional risk. But I can say that at least if I pin test E, it works - regardless if I paid for test C.

Anyway, props for creativity. :)
I apply the transdermal after a shower, usually to the tops of my feet.
1. I exfoliate the tops of my feet with a mixture of activated carbon and baking soda. I use slow motions and minimal pressure.

2. I use distilled water to rinse the soda/carbon solution off. A gallon will last me about 10 days.

3. I apply the hormone solution to the skin. I keep it in a glass dropper vial. 1 ml is 100mg. The solvent is always dmso;but, sometimes I add other solvents.

4. I apply my carrier solution. I use a mixture of a solvent like alcohol, a moisturizer like aloe and a thickener like glycerine. Sometimes a little dmso aswell. I apply this over the hormone solution while its still a bit wet.

5. I wrap suran around my foot and put a sock on for atleast an hour.

And I get so irritated having to draw and pin for the interrupting of a very busy schedule I rip off the top s and pre load a bottle of what ever and swap pins. U my friend have set a new deliver to the system time record as in the length it takes you. I m not being critical but are you indep. wealthy, no gf or just pin phobic. ??? I did test cream and what a drag, inefficient as heck w relation to my plasma level s and I d say 46-55 perc. was deemed optimal by my GP.

But if it s ur deal and work s for you that s what counts.
I have used tren transdermal with a dmso cream years ago. Got a nice chemical burn from it. Sensitive skin I guess. It did seem to work for the time I did it. There is no waste injecting though.
Can we keep opinion out of this? Im not posting so that interested folks have to sift through opinions. Success or failure, this entire ordeal is to have experimental data on the forums. Last thing anyone needs is more opinions.

I based my absorption rate on the severity of sides I get. At 500 mg a week transdermal, I start getting the sweating and insominia that I only experience when the dose is above 350mg of injectable tren acetate. Do you have a source for this fact of life? I

Cost is a silly reason to use transdermals. But; that wasnt what I was getting at. What I was trying to say was efficiency shouldnt deter anyone with access to powders from using an alternate delivery system. Especially considering how much safer it is than injecting home/ugl brew into your body.

It takes me about 5 minutes to; exfoliate the skin, rinse, apply the dropper full of hormone solution, carrier and suran the area. It took a bit longer the first few times but I got it down. Im not rushing either. I put a sock over the suran and go about my day.

Luckypaul: I tried it on my forearm once and it got irritated. I stick to my feet and the only thing I need to watch out for is keeping them from getting sun burned.
Can we keep opinion out of this? Im not posting so that interested folks have to sift through opinions. Success or failure, this entire ordeal is to have experimental data on the forums. Last thing anyone needs is more opinions.

I based my absorption rate on the severity of sides I get. At 500 mg a week transdermal, I start getting the sweating and insominia that I only experience when the dose is above 350mg of injectable tren acetate. Do you have a source for this fact of life? I

Cost is a silly reason to use transdermals. But; that wasnt what I was getting at. What I was trying to say was efficiency shouldnt deter anyone with access to powders from using an alternate delivery system. Especially considering how much safer it is than injecting home/ugl brew into your body.

It takes me about 5 minutes to; exfoliate the skin, rinse, apply the dropper full of hormone solution, carrier and suran the area. It took a bit longer the first few times but I got it down. Im not rushing either. I put a sock over the suran and go about my day.

Luckypaul: I tried it on my forearm once and it got irritated. I stick to my feet and the only thing I need to watch out for is keeping them from getting sun burned.

I must have missed this until your bump. I can't answer whether or not you can post pics (I know there's a post count requirement, but can't remember it off the top of my head.), but I can address your last post. :)

One 5 g or two 5 g tubes of Testim® contains 50 mg or 100 mg of testosterone, respectively, to be applied daily to the skin's surface. Approximately 10% of the applied testosterone dose is absorbed across skin of average permeability during a 24-hour period

www.accessdata.fda.gov label; FDA Data Testim 1%

That's 10% over 24 hours from a USP grade, pharmaceutical corporation with billions of dollars in research. You somehow achieved 7x that efficacy at home?

Oh wait, you're going by side effects lol.

I'm all for experimentation and finding alternative means of enjoying the lifestyle, but let's not call this a victory by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm not even going to justify the "dangers" of injecting over any other delivery system. That would require using quantifiable data, which neither of us possess. ;)
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I must have missed this until your bump. I can't answer whether or not you can post pics (I know there's a post count requirement, but can't remember it off the top of my head.), but I can address your last post. :)

www.accessdata.fda.gov label; FDA Data Testim 1%

That's 10% over 24 hours from a USP grade, pharmaceutical corporation with billions of dollars in research. You somehow achieved 7x that efficacy at home?

Oh wait, you're going by side effects lol.

I'm all for experimentation and finding alternative means of enjoying the lifestyle, but let's not call this a victory by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm not even going to justify the "dangers" of injecting over any other delivery system. That would require using quantifiable data, which neither of us possess. ;)

Testim is a slow release gel. Why wouldnt I be able to achieve better? My goal wasnt to have a 24 hr release topical that was mild on the skin.

Side effects are a pretty good standard to guess a drugs doseage. We've all felt something was underdosed before. Better yet, most tren users know where their threshold for berable sides are.

Pretty weak fellas. Cant the mods atleast filter weak gay jokes?

In the end I think trenbolone acetate taken in oral solution would be the best route for the powder buyer. Maybe test acetate could be done the same way. Its bioavalbility in dogs was found to be around 10%. Hindered by being poorly soluble in water. I have not found studies done with humans.

I started at 220 at about 25% and ended at 208 at about 16%.
Testim is a slow release gel. Why wouldnt I be able to achieve better? My goal wasnt to have a 24 hr release topical that was mild on the skin.

Side effects are a pretty good standard to guess a drugs doseage. We've all felt something was underdosed before. Better yet, most tren users know where their threshold for berable sides are.

Pretty weak fellas. Cant the mods atleast filter weak gay jokes?

In the end I think trenbolone acetate taken in oral solution would be the best route for the powder buyer. Maybe test acetate could be done the same way. Its bioavalbility in dogs was found to be around 10%. Hindered by being poorly soluble in water. I have not found studies done with humans.

I started at 220 at about 25% and ended at 208 at about 16%.

Oh, so you want to spike your hormone levels? A hormone rollercoaster is conducive to more side effects than anything as the body attempts to maintain allostasis, but as it fails - other compensatory mechanisms are engaged. Oh, and then there's that whole anabolism thing that requires time under influence. ;)

No. Side effects are the absolute most retarded and least reliable means of gauging a drug's potency. I don't know how many times you've been on tren, but no two cycles are ever the same. Never. Some cycles I get night sweats, some I get really moody. Some cycles I'm a fire-breathing fuck monster from planet Iron, some I'm super Cool Joe at the gym.

Point is, you're picking a completely subjective method of determining results, which is not an accurate way to go about this. Like I've said twice now; I give you props for being creative, but this is NOT a viable solution whatsoever.

Injection is 100% efficacy. There is NO better method, I'm sorry you're scared of needles - AAS isn't for everyone.
This thread disgusts me! Look i dont hate gays i just dont agree with there life style choices for example transdermals doesnt get any more gross than that
49er the more you post in it the longer it will be on the first page.

Halfwit, your first point is so senseless that it can only be more of you fingering your butthole all over my thread. I won't spend the time to explain to you the difference between quick absorption, instant absorption and testim. or do the math for you demonstrating hormone levels for tren acetate eod vs tren base twice daily.

If you're not brewing it yourself you really don't have an opinion here. Especially if it's not all brewed from the same batch. Of Course you use the most arbitrary sides ever. I'm talking about insomnia, blood pressure, cardiovascular capacity etc.

It was an experiment, one that yielded the exact results I wanted. If you didn't come in an finger you butthole everywhere, members could read the design, setup and results and decide for themselves. Now they have to sift through your bullshit.

I have yet to say injection isn't the most effective method. I am saying that it may not be the safest and is definitely not necessary in every case.
49er the more you post in it the longer it will be on the first page.

Halfwit, your first point is so senseless that it can only be more of you fingering your butthole all over my thread. I won't spend the time to explain to you the difference between quick absorption, instant absorption and testim. or do the math for you demonstrating hormone levels for tren acetate eod vs tren base twice daily.

If you're not brewing it yourself you really don't have an opinion here. Especially if it's not all brewed from the same batch. Of Course you use the most arbitrary sides ever. I'm talking about insomnia, blood pressure, cardiovascular capacity etc.
It was an experiment, one that yielded the exact results I wanted. If you didn't come in an finger you butthole everywhere, members could read the design, setup and results and decide for themselves. Now they have to sift through your bullshit.

I have yet to say injection isn't the most effective method. I am saying that it may not be the safest and is definitely not necessary in every case.

no need to be disrespectful to the Mods. check yourself please.