Test/Tren very high E2


New member
Here the deal i started TrenA-75/TestP-100 EOD arimidex 0.25 ED after week one i've done blood test and my E2 was 91 (9-44 in my lab)
ok i thought adex dose isnt enough so i bumped to 1 mg ed after week on 1 mg i went to the lab and done my second test and my E2 310 WTF?

How can 300 mg test a week aromatizate so fast even though adex....
And weird part i dont feel sides of high E2 at all no bloat, morning wood, nice libido,no gyno sides even tho im prone
Sry for my english
pls respond
Sounds like your adex is bunk imo, where did you get it from? A research company?
very wierd man . however are u taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for the tren prolactin related sides ? u need caber or prami when running 19nors like tren and deca .... this can be playing a role . its strange that your levels are rising so fast .... and in one week ? kinda seems like something is wrong there ... get your self caber or prami asap . start dosing it and then get tested after 2 weeks of taking it
very wierd man . however are u taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for the tren prolactin related sides ? u need caber or prami when running 19nors like tren and deca .... this can be playing a role . its strange that your levels are rising so fast .... and in one week ? kinda seems like something is wrong there ... get your self caber or prami asap . start dosing it and then get tested after 2 weeks of taking it
My prolactin is alright i use 0.5 caber/week some one told me that mb i have not exactly pure tren i have something like revalor or finaplix with E2 in it if its true thats why i have e2 trhough the roof but once again i dont have e2 related sides whatsoever
Yeah I read that the finiplex kits some guys brew has estradiol in it. Did you brew it yourself or know if it was made from the finiplex kit?