Test with terrible pip and swelling. ??? Not a sorce bash need sum help

Hogans hero

New member
Ok ran thru a bottle of op test 400 +tren no probs expect few bad sides from tren so I dropped tha tren. Went up to 750 mg test a week of op test 250 This time I have had terrible pip and swelling When I pinned right glute swelling went all tha way to my knee then swapped to left glute swelling up past my belt line. Anybody ever had any shit like this. Got bloods yesterday c if I ve got some kind infection. I had sum bad swelling bfor when I pinned quads. But glutes hav never been a prob Btw swelling only not red not Runnin fever no other probs
was the original gear from the same source

you may be allergic to the oil used or something else contained in the oil...

i've read a few things about OP having pip now and i never know if its just virgin muscle or not
I have this intermitently with my thigh injections on my current test e. It pretty much just happens when it wants, some worse than others...while others are completely painless. I always pin right a shower etc. I wonder if it's maybe the angle, or to much movement while I'm there. The bad ones have even felt warm to the touch, and ALMOST had a test flu like feeling coming on. Could be body trying to reject foreign substance?
was the original gear from the same source

you may be allergic to the oil used or something else contained in the oil...

i've read a few things about OP having pip now and i never know if its just virgin muscle or not

All my gear is op. Since jb shutdown,lol. Not virgin muscle with me I been pinning my glues for 2 yrs now
Unless your technique is messed up... which I'm guessing it's not since you have been pinning a while... A insulin needle would not help with the pip... just the original pin. The gear is still getting in your muscle with both.

Back loading insulin needles is a great and easy way to pin btw.
I just finished a cycle with some test E and mast E from OP and have to say that the pip was there at times just like yours. But I know one thing for sure that my test levels were above 1500 with only 1 shot of test a week. So I sucked it up and finished it....Hope yours gets better.
Majority of people do have an allergic reaction to the oils and the reaction varies by source and batch. Try running an antibiotic for a week and see if that helps with the swelling. It's not likely that you hit a nerve especially in the glutes so swelling like that sounds like a reaction. My wife is a nurse and she sees this quite often in IM shots