Zero V
Prodigal son
Well...about a week and a half ago to 2 weeks ago my left nut started hurting...odd yes, mild...then it got fairly bad.
Well I hit up an urgent care(no insurance) just to have it checked. The doc grabbed my nut for like 10 seconds looked around it, asked if it burned when I urinate(which it doesnt burn when I do that) and said I could get dressed and walked out.
Well he gave em a shot in the hip of Anti-biotics, and gave me 10 days of deoxycyl I think tis called(more anti-biotics).
that was Weds night. So I took one pill, Today coming to and end I have taken 5 pills.
My nut still hurts... I been taking Tylenol for the pain.
Monday I am planning on finding a normal doc, or better yet just going to the hospital(since I owe em enough anyways more bills wont hurt). Well that is if its not better.
Thing is I have been on anti-biotics ALOT in my years(maybe 20 times in my life at least, likely more? Suffered constant ear infections, found out last year it all came from dental infections...psh... now I have ringing in my ears.) and am worried it just doesnt work anymore. Only been up to Z pack, Penicillin, Amoxicillan, so I know there a tons of others so I am not super worried since I finally got the dental issues stabilized I should be having no infections.
So my question is anyone have experience with nut pain?
Its not stabbing, sometimes I cant feel it much, when I first woke up today I didnt even feel it until I got out of bed. Sore, kinda constant up and down in pain.
Having no insurance the hospital is likely my best bet come Monday if its no better, since they get their money regardless(donations, gov't money, etc) I never have an issue getting treatment there. I get hired on later this month or next, and then I can get decent insurance.
Any experience? One guy at work said he had the same issue once. Said that too much anti-biotics kill off the good bacteria(which I knew) and sometimes that allows other odd infections.
Left testicle infection? FML, if its damaged, FML....come onnnnn
Well I hit up an urgent care(no insurance) just to have it checked. The doc grabbed my nut for like 10 seconds looked around it, asked if it burned when I urinate(which it doesnt burn when I do that) and said I could get dressed and walked out.
Well he gave em a shot in the hip of Anti-biotics, and gave me 10 days of deoxycyl I think tis called(more anti-biotics).
that was Weds night. So I took one pill, Today coming to and end I have taken 5 pills.
My nut still hurts... I been taking Tylenol for the pain.
Monday I am planning on finding a normal doc, or better yet just going to the hospital(since I owe em enough anyways more bills wont hurt). Well that is if its not better.
Thing is I have been on anti-biotics ALOT in my years(maybe 20 times in my life at least, likely more? Suffered constant ear infections, found out last year it all came from dental infections...psh... now I have ringing in my ears.) and am worried it just doesnt work anymore. Only been up to Z pack, Penicillin, Amoxicillan, so I know there a tons of others so I am not super worried since I finally got the dental issues stabilized I should be having no infections.
So my question is anyone have experience with nut pain?
Its not stabbing, sometimes I cant feel it much, when I first woke up today I didnt even feel it until I got out of bed. Sore, kinda constant up and down in pain.
Having no insurance the hospital is likely my best bet come Monday if its no better, since they get their money regardless(donations, gov't money, etc) I never have an issue getting treatment there. I get hired on later this month or next, and then I can get decent insurance.
Any experience? One guy at work said he had the same issue once. Said that too much anti-biotics kill off the good bacteria(which I knew) and sometimes that allows other odd infections.
Left testicle infection? FML, if its damaged, FML....come onnnnn