Testicle problems


New member
Well the thing is that i had one testicle removed cos of canser. The remaining one actually produces same amount of testosteron as two would and kinda does the job ( haveing one is as good as two ) But the question to you guys is that is it ok for me to use steroids in future, since my body is 100% cancer free, and my remaining testicle does the job of two, so that my body is basicly same as before but the thing that i worry about useing steroids is that after the cycle should the remaining testicle recover fully as it was. I mean people do alot more hardcore cycles and their bodies recover easily, so i am thinking that my body can handle test e 500mg a week cycle right ?

(not planing on doing the cycle now, just research, but i am 100% sure that i will do it in future anyway, just thought i would ask you guys about it)

height 6,2
weight 275
bf 15%
6'2" and @ 275 with 15% BF?

You wanna do us all a favor a NOT get any bigger?

In all seriousness, lets picture your scenario this way. My father was born with 1 kidney. He didn't find out about this until a few years ago. Normally, if one kidney shuts down you have another one to do the work for you. But if both shut down you're screwed. So, what's this have to do with your case? Well, your chances of recovering have a greater risk, 2x the amount of what most people have. Your 1 testicle is producing enough Test for you now because it has taken on the responsibility of both testicles (that doesn't mean it's not working twice as hard by the way). Now, if you shut down your 1 remaining testicle, chances are it won't come back to normal functioning.

This is just a theory / thought, I know that testicles are not kidneys, but my point is for you to seriously, seriously consider the consequences of losing your natty test production permanently.

With testicles you're dealing with hormones that stimulate the functioning of testosterone production. In the case of kidneys, they stop working because the working cells have been destroyed past an unrepairable point. So, it's kind of apples to oranges, but I still think you see my point.
6'2" and @ 275 with 15% BF?

You wanna do us all a favor a NOT get any bigger?

In all seriousness, lets picture your scenario this way. My father was born with 1 kidney. He didn't find out about this until a few years ago. Normally, if one kidney shuts down you have another one to do the work for you. But if both shut down you're screwed. So, what's this have to do with your case? Well, your chances of recovering have a greater risk, 2x the amount of what most people have. Your 1 testicle is producing enough Test for you now because it has taken on the responsibility of both testicles (that doesn't mean it's not working twice as hard by the way). Now, if you shut down your 1 remaining testicle, chances are it won't come back to normal functioning.

This is just a theory / thought, I know that testicles are not kidneys, but my point is for you to seriously, seriously consider the consequences of losing your natty test production permanently.

With testicles you're dealing with hormones that stimulate the functioning of testosterone production. In the case of kidneys, they stop working because the working cells have been destroyed past an unrepairable point. So, it's kind of apples to oranges, but I still think you see my point.

Bodybuilding is something that i wanna do for the rest of my life.

You do got a good point there but i think that my body (testicle ) can handle testosteron cycle. I will just go and do blood tests regulary and keep in touch with my doctor through the period. I dont know about the shutting down part but yeah i think there could be the possibility but i think its very very minimal. I will speak with a doctor about that. I havent found any replys yet about the fact that someones testicles complete shut down after cycle and never came back. But again i will speak with a doctor about it.

I am also planing on visiting hormone specialist endricri.......... soemthing :p anyway i have already send few letters to few doctors and see what t hey will respone. But i still think that my body should be able to recover fully from the test cycle.

But thank you so much for takeing your time and post here.
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Just get the other testicle removed and get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!
Bodybuilding is something that i wanna do for the rest of my life.

You do got a good point there but i think that my body (testicle ) can handle testosteron cycle. I will just go and do blood tests regulary and keep in touch with my doctor through the period. I dont know about the shutting down part but yeah i think there could be the possibility but i think its very very minimal. I will speak with a doctor about that. I havent found any replys yet about the fact that someones testicles complete shut down after cycle and never came back. But again i will speak with a doctor about it.

I am also planing on visiting hormone specialist endricri.......... soemthing :p anyway i have already send few letters to few doctors and see what t hey will respone. But i still think that my body should be able to recover fully from the test cycle.

But thank you so much for takeing your time and post here.

I would be more than happy to help you out should you decide you want to get on TRT/HRT. Please feel free to contact me.

Dave Bergstrom
Direct: (978) 761-4051
Fax: (248) 694-0983
e-mail: dave@maximushrt.com