One day we will be able to test our gear and put these assholes out of business. I'm suprised that some guy doesn't open a private lab and charge do tests. I would pay to get gear tested... would you ?
One of the biggest problems now is that people are buying from a faceless person on the net... It's not like you can smash his head aginst a wall till he tells the truth about what you're taking...
After 8ml of what? So if that was 2ml a week at 4 weeks he thought it was bunk? Hopefully not LE gear or he just gave it away for no reason.
What's the gear and what lab.
It would be nice but no lab is going to accept an illegal substance, test it and send it back. Best way is to buy powder, test it yourself and know that the product is sterile, dosed correctly etc.
No, you wouldn't have to send a whole vial. How much would a lab need to test... A few drops maybe ?
There's no way to tell if the poweder is stepped on either so you can't win...
Umm ya, there's melting points to powders that allow you to determine how pure they are, come on man research before spouting
misinformation. Regardless of how much you send, no lab is going to engage in illegal activity. The equipment alone is hundreds of thousands,
why risk it to test illegally bought gear.
If the powder is pure, it melts at a certain degree, if that degree if off by an extent, the purity is not what it should be.