Testosteron and letrozol - 3 interesting findings...

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1) Estrogen is a bigger culprit than androgens in halting the bone growth in adolescents.
2) test+letrozol subjects have even lower concentrations of estrogen than the control group.
3) letrozol isn't 100% effective against gyno. In the testosteron-only group; 2 out of 13 developped gyno. In the test+letrozol group, 2 out of 11 develloped gyno, regardless of the low estrogen concentration. Suspected mechanism is DHT conversion to 3beta-androstanediol, causing the gyno.

So don't throw out your nolva yet.
very interesting... i felt like taking arimidex eod during cycle was more of a safety blanket but now that kinda blows that whole theory out for me.
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go some place else you vulture
3) letrozol isn't 100% effective against gyno. In the testosteron-only group; 2 out of 13 developped gyno. In the test+letrozol group, 2 out of 11 develloped gyno, regardless of the low estrogen concentration. Suspected mechanism is DHT conversion to 3beta-androstanediol, causing the gyno.

So don't throw out your nolva yet.

If this is the case, seems you could get around this w/ a good DHT conversion inhibitor...

And to the spammer, REALLY...
you can combine the various supplements to achieve the maximal effectiveness. You will not be disappointed and will understand what many people have learned to be a very necessary role in achieving maximum muscle gains and fat reduction.
Omg this is alquaiida terrorism spam attacks.
Last edited:
Omg this is alquaiida terrorism spam attacks.

Haha good one :laugh4:

Gyno sucks ass, i have pubertal puffy nips and it gets really annoying when I'm trying to bulk and it slowly creeps up on me. Kind of blows if that study is legit (link wasn't working for me), i always thought that letro/a-dex would be "anti-gyno" insurance but i guess not.. :( Luckily that's a pretty low percentage though so that must be why most people rely on it anyways.
500mg/wk Test enanthate, 2.5mg/daily(AM) Letrozol + 20mg/daily(PM) Nolvadex. NO range of gyno with this combo for me =) Actually on this right now, in week 3

Great to be here... Hope to learn things here and share what i have. :)

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Internet Reputation Management
If one were taking 500-700mg EW of Test E, When would the Letrozole+Nolva came into play, 1 week after last injection period. so if dosing 12 weeks of Test E, on week 13-14 start taking Letro and nolv?
1. is why females are normally shorter than males. So thats nothing new.

As far as the letro goes as an insurance against gyno. Every human system reacts differently to drugs. I once talked to an MD specializing in hormone treatment of people with hormone defeciencies and he told me that he has had several patients treated for years with test and HGH who, when they stopped taking hormones, ended up producing normal amounts themselves!! There was no negative feedback in these indivduals!! Even an increase in their own hormone production..Now THATS interesting