PCT erection difficulties.


New member
Hi all,
I searched erection troubles during PCT before posting this and just want to know if there is anything else an experienced user would recommend. I'm 40, in fourth week of PCT using a board sponsor clomid and nolva at the usual doses and just this week cannot get fully hard, even if the wife helps out. My cycle was test e 300 week, deca 600 week, tbol kickstart, the deca was 12 weeks and the test was 14 weeks. so it's about 6 weeks since my last pin. I feel fine and do not get any noticeable side effects from the two drugs such as mood swings etc. I don't remember this happening in previous pct's where I literally cannot get more than 3/4 hard. Also, my nips do not itch at all and small lumps which had started during late cycle have regressed very significantly, so I don't suspect high estrogen is the main problem, but rather low T.

I ordered Cialis from board sponsor to help get me through this period of non-performance.

I also supplement with DAA and ZMA. I know this was a quite suppressive cycle so I have planned on a 6 week PCT, which I have seen threads here about. I hope in 2 weeks the problem is better.
By the way, I live in a state where it is against the law to order your own bloodwork and there is no way for labs to be done except maybe if this continues I see my doctor and tell him some story about a test booster or something like that which may be suppressing me. Otherwise, I'd have already done bloodwork.

One last question, I'm about to start my second bottle of clomid and nolva, if they last another month should I Just pct for 8 weeks? Having read Austinite's gyno thread about treating my lumps, it says to continue with nolva after pct until the gyno is completely gone. And I've read that clomid raises natural test levels even when not on cycle.
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Been there bro, it's almost certainly low t. You are not on trt or you wouldn't be running pct. I don't know how long you have been using AAS, but a time does come for those of us who have used them for years to consider trt.
It could take months using clomid to see an improvement.
I read a post over at meso that deals with HCG use and pct. I't might be worth taking a look at. THey have a Doctor there who posts on this subject. Have you had any blood work to see where you are at now?

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40 years old I would be on trt. Most 40 year old men have low t anyways..and you are using steroids. I think this is the end of the road for you bro. Im not sure if its even worth recovering at your age.
40 years old I would be on trt. Most 40 year old men have low t anyways..and you are using steroids. I think this is the end of the road for you bro. Im not sure if its even worth recovering at your age.

These are depressing answers. I've only done 3 cycles. Not been a heavy user at all in my opinion.
Yea this is kind of a downer thread. Is it because of the OP's age, or because of the three cycles that he should go on trt?
Hi all,
I searched erection troubles during PCT before posting this and just want to know if there is anything else an experienced user would recommend. I'm 40, in fourth week of PCT using a board sponsor clomid and nolva at the usual doses and just this week cannot get fully hard, even if the wife helps out. My cycle was test e 300 week, deca 600 week, tbol kickstart, the deca was 12 weeks and the test was 14 weeks. so it's about 6 weeks since my last pin. I feel fine and do not get any noticeable side effects from the two drugs such as mood swings etc. I don't remember this happening in previous pct's where I literally cannot get more than 3/4 hard. Also, my nips do not itch at all and small lumps which had started during late cycle have regressed very significantly, so I don't suspect high estrogen is the main problem, but rather low T.

I ordered Cialis from board sponsor to help get me through this period of non-performance.

I also supplement with DAA and ZMA. I know this was a quite suppressive cycle so I have planned on a 6 week PCT, which I have seen threads here about. I hope in 2 weeks the problem is better.
By the way, I live in a state where it is against the law to order your own bloodwork and there is no way for labs to be done except maybe if this continues I see my doctor and tell him some story about a test booster or something like that which may be suppressing me. Otherwise, I'd have already done bloodwork.

One last question, I'm about to start my second bottle of clomid and nolva, if they last another month should I Just pct for 8 weeks? Having read Austinite's gyno thread about treating my lumps, it says to continue with nolva after pct until the gyno is completely gone. And I've read that clomid raises natural test levels even when not on cycle.

Prolactin relieves sexual arousal after orgasm and takes your mind off sex. It rises sharply immediately after orgasm in almost everyone. It's one of the few moments of the day when we men aren't preoccupied with sex.The release of prolactin is linked to the feeling of sexual satisfaction, and it also mediates the ***8220;recovery time***8221; that men are well aware of***8212;the time a guy must wait before ***8220;giving it another go.***8221;

Interestingly, there is a neuroendorcine link between dopamine secretion, progestins and prolactin secretion in the brain. In the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus there is a group of dopaminonergic neurons that are responsive to progesterones. Progenstins bind to neurons in this region and reduces dopamine secretion locally leading to increased prolactin secretion and decreased secretion of GnRH (and thus LH and FSH) into the hypophysial portal blood. This series of physiologic responses may explain the loss of sexual function in nandrolone and trenbolone users.

Weather anyone believes this to be 100 percent founded or not the fact has always remained. Cabar,dostinex, pami almost always solves the problem. Or the addition of a dht like provirone during the cycle.

Chronic administration with nandrolone decanoate i... [Brain Res. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI
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Literally took the paragraph s out of my mouth. Panzer ( are you Germanic in any way ?), it does not have to be a depressing set of answers but rather an opportunity to both learn more about your body and it s intricate very delicate functions but also time to address what was surely bound to happen. I am not saying everyman over 40 needs trt. Some men do not mind the declining sex drive that almost always accompanies getting older. I am not now nor ever going to " go quietly and fade away".

I plan on sliding into my grave like a college baseball player stealing home plate. Hot, dirty, virile, and leaving a lasting impression.

I d chaulk this up as a very memorable coincidence. Your age, a very very suppressive cycle coincided to where you are now. Proviron was a good suggestion in my opinion. Look, I take 1 cc every Sunday night after my shower and will until I either pass away, get shot by someone s husband or bad guy, and never ever run a19 nor of any signifigance.

When I do cycle deca it is like 150 mg a week...but I do it for my joints. I ll never be big again so why bother. running a higher dose.

You ll be fine..patience.

Literally took the paragraph s out of my mouth. Panzer ( are you Germanic in any way ?), it does not have to be a depressing set of answers but rather an opportunity to both learn more about your body and it s intricate very delicate functions but also time to address what was surely bound to happen. I am not saying everyman over 40 needs trt. Some men do not mind the declining sex drive that almost always accompanies getting older. I am not now nor ever going to " go quietly and fade away".

I plan on sliding into my grave like a college baseball player stealing home plate. Hot, dirty, virile, and leaving a lasting impression.

I d chaulk this up as a very memorable coincidence. Your age, a very very suppressive cycle coincided to where you are now. Proviron was a good suggestion in my opinion. Look, I take 1 cc every Sunday night after my shower and will until I either pass away, get shot by someone s husband or bad guy, and never ever run a19 nor of any signifigance.

When I do cycle deca it is like 150 mg a week...but I do it for my joints. I ll never be big again so why bother. running a higher dose.

You ll be fine..patience.

Teutonic thanks for the advice. I'm not very familiar with proviron. It's an AAS yes? As for caber I finished my supply with the deca. How long would I need to take caber in your opinion. As for nor19s in my late 30s (turn 40 this year) it is risky no doubt. Maybe I should look at cutting them out if I ever cycle again.

As for TRT, I wouldn't do it unless I was profoundly hypogonadic, which may or may not occur soon. I've seen studies on pub med about test damaging and fibrosing cardiac cells and causing left ventricular hypertrophy. I don't want an early death of cardiomyopathy. Scary stuff. Plus I don't want to lose all my hair. It's def a lot to think about. But it may become a necessity. I haven't had high sex drive in 20 years and it hasn't bothered me. As long as I feel normal I'll play the waiting game. I appreciate your advice.
of course

my test was 1/2 the minimum to maintain bone mass; this was discovered after I could not shake the depressive stae I was...

ur welcome. my love of this site is the way so any of the old guys help and teach each other and the young ones too
Teutonic thanks for the advice. I'm not very familiar with proviron. It's an AAS yes? As for caber I finished my supply with the deca. How long would I need to take caber in your opinion. As for nor19s in my late 30s (turn 40 this year) it is risky no doubt. Maybe I should look at cutting them out if I ever cycle again.

As for TRT, I wouldn't do it unless I was profoundly hypogonadic, which may or may not occur soon. I've seen studies on pub med about test damaging and fibrosing cardiac cells and causing left ventricular hypertrophy. I don't want an early death of cardiomyopathy. Scary stuff. Plus I don't want to lose all my hair. It's def a lot to think about. But it may become a necessity. I haven't had high sex drive in 20 years and it hasn't bothered me. As long as I feel normal I'll play the waiting game. I appreciate your advice.

Its a good Idea to run caber at least 3 weeks past stopping deca simple because that is the minimum amount of time it takes for levels to fall off. I personally would run it str8 through pct .5mg every other day to every 3 days.
Hi all,
I searched erection troubles during PCT before posting this and just want to know if there is anything else an experienced user would recommend. I'm 40, in fourth week of PCT using a board sponsor clomid and nolva at the usual doses and just this week cannot get fully hard, even if the wife helps out. My cycle was test e 300 week, deca 600 week, tbol kickstart, the deca was 12 weeks and the test was 14 weeks. so it's about 6 weeks since my last pin. I feel fine and do not get any noticeable side effects from the two drugs such as mood swings etc. I don't remember this happening in previous pct's where I literally cannot get more than 3/4 hard. Also, my nips do not itch at all and small lumps which had started during late cycle have regressed very significantly, so I don't suspect high estrogen is the main problem, but rather low T.

I ordered Cialis from board sponsor to help get me through this period of non-performance.

I also supplement with DAA and ZMA. I know this was a quite suppressive cycle so I have planned on a 6 week PCT, which I have seen threads here about. I hope in 2 weeks the problem is better.
By the way, I live in a state where it is against the law to order your own bloodwork and there is no way for labs to be done except maybe if this continues I see my doctor and tell him some story about a test booster or something like that which may be suppressing me. Otherwise, I'd have already done bloodwork.

One last question, I'm about to start my second bottle of clomid and nolva, if they last another month should I Just pct for 8 weeks? Having read Austinite's gyno thread about treating my lumps, it says to continue with nolva after pct until the gyno is completely gone. And I've read that clomid raises natural test levels even when not on cycle.

after a proper PCT, it is not unusual to have libido issues for up to 6 months... this is something u should have known before running any cycle... things like viagara and Cialis can help, but most likely u won't be back to your normal self for at least 4 months, if you're lucky
after a proper PCT, it is not unusual to have libido issues for up to 6 months... this is something u should have known before running any cycle... things like viagara and Cialis can help, but most likely u won't be back to your normal self for at least 4 months, if you're lucky

Oh I know the risks. I've done 3 cycles now starting at age 36, and I don't remember this happening in previous pcts. Maybe it was the case last time but I honestly don't remember erection difficulties. My libido is fine. Just have a problem this week of not getting fully hard. Guess I gotta wait it out. Thanks for all the advice everyone.