Testosterone and Ejaculate Volume...


New member
I have a question, I have researched and cant really find anything on it so I figured I would ask.

My question is while on Testosterone does this increase the amount of semen that comes out during climax or will it reduce the amount that comes out?

I am concerned because before my cycle I probably had about half the amount of semen come out as opposed to now that I am on cycle. Also since I am on cycle its shooting out much much farther than before cycle.

I am only wondering if maybe there was something wrong with me before cycle because this is how I used to feel when I was like 16 and going through puberty. Also I do not want to get a girl pregnant so is it that the sperm is "fake" or is it my actual sperm that can turn into a little child haha?
bro you're overthinking things. unless nothing comes out don't worry about volume or distance shot, fuck it. the amount lowers with age btw. :)
Uh, I'll have to ask the missus to spit it out next time so we can measure volume. :wiggle:

If you're seriously measuring distance, I definitely don't want to borrow your yardstick. Lol.

OK, puns out of the way, volume may slightly decrease, but orgasm intensity should drastically increase. This would cause a stronger contraction of your prostate among other muscles - giving you a greater chance at hitting that field goal. HCG helps, but I couldn't tell you by how much as I'd have some serious explaining to do if the warden... Errr, my wife found measuring cups in the bathroom. :D

My .02c :)
Thanks for that half, I'm sitting here at a shop getting my tires changes and happened to be taking a drink of water while reading your post. I inhaled the water and now everyone is looking at me, but totally worth it, thanks!
What I am trying to say is before I started taking the Test my ejaculate volume was much much lower than what it is currently.

I'm not complaining by any means because my girlfriend loves it and I kind of dont mind either. I'm not measuring it but its just that when I pull out the shit shoots up to her tits almost and it hasnt been like this in years lol

Im not worried about anything being wrong I was just curious as to why I had so little before I started the testosterone. It makes me feel like something was wrong with me before.

I really think that pr hormone I took with no AI or PCT fucked me up good. Its one of those things that slowly happens over time and you dont realize what has happened until you really sit back and think about how you used to be.
only her tits? dude i hit the wall behind the bed.....when i pull out that is....which is never :cum:

Hell yeah man! lol sometimes I play this little game where i try to aim it into one of her eyes or her nostrils but thats only if she pisses me off earlier that day. haha
And one time I shot that shit into her ear and I wasn't even aiming for it.

These describe me the best: :shoot5: :uzi: :destroy: :sperm:
I've had it go either way. Smaller loads. And nowadays my moneyshots are huge! And I've been on for like 8 months since I've started trt
Is this the same girl that cheated on you a couple weeks back? If so, then yeah, you should totally be aiming for eyes and/or nostrils. :D

If this is a new girl, then perhaps the excitement of some new moose-knuckle is what's making it shoot more and farther. I definitely go more/farther the more excited I am. ???
If I'm on just test (trt) it's about average, if I add a nor deca, tren, equi it goes down a little. If I add a DHT I paint the fkn wall when I'm done painting the hoes.
Is this the same girl that cheated on you a couple weeks back? If so, then yeah, you should totally be aiming for eyes and/or nostrils. :D

If this is a new girl, then perhaps the excitement of some new moose-knuckle is what's making it shoot more and farther. I definitely go more/farther the more excited I am. ???

Same girl. Hence the face shots and nostrils lol