Testosterone cypionate and SARMS


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Hey everyone! Long time reader, first time poster. Alittle about myself. I'm a firefighter from Texas. While this isn't necessarily a cycle per say, I figured that this community would be better suited and knowledgable to answer my question. At my yearly physical, lab work determined that my testosterone was "low". Can't really recall what the exact lab value was right now. Dr suggested TRT. Testosterone cypionate 100mg once every two weeks for two months, labs drawn, then 200mg once every two weeks. Latest labs drawn showed test levels at 763.68 ng/dL. Discussed with my dr about how around day 8 or 9 I was feeling a "drop" energy dropped big time. He is moving me to 200mg once a week. I'm fine with that. Here is my question. I'm interested in running Osterine and Cardarine with this to aid in a body transformation and recomp. What is everyone's thoughts on 200mg Test Cyp once a week while running Osterine and Cardarine? All thoughts and input would be greatly appreciated.
I'd work on getting your TRT dialled in first before you start experimenting.

Even then, I'd go for compounds such as deca, primo, tbol, var - stronger than sarms and little effect
I agree with Onk. Dial in the TRT. There is a lot of great info in the TRT forum to help you with this.

Then run a cycle using real AAS. Why mess around with their little cousin SARMs? Run the real deal and get real results. I would start with blasting 500mg/wk of Test along with the necessary ancillaries.
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Yes, get your trt squared away. Once you do that...sarms are a great addition. Considering you're on trt, suppression is of no concern so you will have the sarms, plus your natural T working with you for muscle growth. SARMS DO GIVE REAL RESULTS. Just not quite as pronounced as AAS. But considering the safety profile of SARMS, they are a great addition to a trt protocol for those not ready or wanting to jump on AAS.
Yes, get your trt squared away. Once you do that...sarms are a great addition. Considering you're on trt, suppression is of no concern so you will have the sarms, plus your natural T working with you for muscle growth. SARMS DO GIVE REAL RESULTS. Just not quite as pronounced as AAS. But considering the safety profile of SARMS, they are a great addition to a trt protocol for those not ready or wanting to jump on AAS.

Safer than testosterone? There are myriad medical studies on testosterone out there. I have seen very few on humans for SARMs (if any). If you have some medical studies on humans showing their safety profile I would love to see them so I can learn more. Thanks.
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Yes, get your trt squared away. Once you do that...sarms are a great addition. Considering you're on trt, suppression is of no concern so you will have the sarms, plus your natural T working with you for muscle growth. SARMS DO GIVE REAL RESULTS. Just not quite as pronounced as AAS. But considering the safety profile of SARMS, they are a great addition to a trt protocol for those not ready or wanting to jump on AAS.

How will he have natural Testosterone working for muscle growth if he is on TRT? He will be shut down.

To the OP. Like the other have stated, get you TRT dialed in before advancing on. If you can feel a drop around day 8 or 9, which I dont doubt you do. Talk you your doctor about the possiblility of 2x per week injections. Same amount per week, just split up. This is what you should be doing. Do some research on half lives of Test Cyp and bring forward to him information showing that twice per week IS more beneficial than once per week or once every two weeks. He cant say no then :)
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How will he have natural Testosterone working for muscle growth if he is on TRT? He will be shut down.

To the OP. Like the other have stated, get you TRT dialed in before advancing on. If you can feel a drop around day 8 or 9, which I dont doubt you do. Talk you your doctor about the possiblility of 2x per week injections. Same amount per week, just split up. This is what you should be doing. Do some research on half lives of Test Cyp and bring forward to him information ahowing that twice per week OS more beneficial than once per week or once every two weeks. He cant say no then :)

Good catch...I misworded what I was trying to say. I meant he won't have to worry about suppression so he will have the SARMS AND his exogenous test working with him.
First of all OP, don't be so quick to jump on other compounds (whether that be SARMS or AAS) until you have your TRT protocol dialled in. This can be a time consuming process, and you shouldn't take it lightly...

My TRT took 18 months from the get go, until I was happy with my demanour, libido, and general well-being - and the doc was happy with the bloodwork.

You also need to build a relationship, and a trust with your doc - you need to trust him, but more importantly, he needs to trust you. You need to prove to him that you're just not another AAS abuser, desperate to get a scripted cycle for life. If you are quick to shoot up other compounds - while he is still testing your bloods - you'll lose any respect from him that you may have earned up to this stage.

Trust me man, you have many years ahead of you to play around - get your protocol nailed down while you have the chance.

When it comes to future cycles - once you and your doc are happy with your protocol - I'd personally stick with AAS.

You need to ascertain whether your doc will be taking regular bloods, and find out when.

You have a choice... you could simply raise your Test dose, and run a mini Test cycle adjusting AI to suit.
Or my personal preference would be - keep your Test dose the same, and start to add in other compounds such as Deca, Mast, Eq and MUCH further down the line, Tren.

This enables you to keep a constant T level, and still get full benefit of what the other compounds can offer.

I don't declare to know much about SARMS, but my theory is, if you are going to do something, do it right. You'll get much better results from AAS than you will SARMS. Why play at it?

Good luck OP: and seriously, your number 1 priority right now is your TRT - of course make your plans for the future, but don't rush into them and jeopardise the whole damn thing!
Thanks man. I'm going to do what you and the other members have mentioned. Get trt dialed in and work from there. My doc is great. He's actually the one who suggested Trt. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and giving a solid response. Much appreciated.