testosterone - don't know, so I read, didn't find it, so I'll ask

Testosterone Suspension is the most superior form of testosterone in regards to side effects. The short half leaves the drug less time to aromatase, which results in less side effects.

That being said it's not economically feasible for most to use Suspension - Test is not test like some may claim.

I think you have it backwards. It's immediate bioavailability can make the side effects much more pronounced.

Since the esters provide no biological activity, they're meant to be hydrolyzed via esterase enzymes to release from depot, why would it matter if we remove the ester or not unless I'm. Is understanding you and you're saying "if we remove the ester there nothing to talk about bc test suspension is king"??

Test suspension doesn't have a classic half life like esterified testosterone. The only study I'm aware of that did attempt to study pharmacokinetics of test suspension and attempt to calculate a half life was done on horses. The results: a MEDIAN terminal half life of around 39hours

The disposition of testosterone from this formulation was characterized by an initial, rapid absorption phase followed by a much more variable secondary absorption phase. There were at least two plasma testosterone concentration peaks. The first peak is almost immediate and the second peak is a whopping 7 days later on average according to the chart in the full study. The study indicates that the initial peak is from the Testosterone formulation solution and the following peak(s) from the solid material in the suspension.

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Just trying to understand what your meant when you said test is not test like some may claim. I did in fact claim this earlier in this very thread.
I think you have it backwards. It's immediate bioavailability can make the side effects much more pronounced.

Since the esters provide no biological activity, they're meant to be hydrolyzed via esterase enzymes to release from depot, why would it matter if we remove the ester or not unless I'm. Is understanding you and you're saying "if we remove the ester there nothing to talk about bc test suspension is king"??

Test suspension doesn't have a classic half life like esterified testosterone. The only study I'm aware of that did attempt to study pharmacokinetics of test suspension and attempt to calculate a half life was done on horses. The results: a MEDIAN terminal half life of around 39hours

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I was thinking more in the sense of having your HPTA shutdown for less = less side effects. Suspension can yield the results of a 12 week cypionate cycle in half the time, and thus can yield less side affects as your body is just down for less time.

The only issue for concern would be the large rush of estrogen, but the ability to "bounce back" should be a lot easier in comparison to cyp or deca where you're shutdown for sometimes a month even after PCT.
Just trying to understand what your meant when you said test is not test like some may claim. I did in fact claim this earlier in this very thread.

I was thinking of technicalities like..
100mg of Suspension = 100mg
100 of Cyp =/= 100mg
I was thinking more in the sense of having your HPTA shutdown for less = less side effects. Suspension can yield the results of a 12 week cypionate cycle in half the time, and thus can yield less side affects as your body is just down for less time.

The only issue for concern would be the large rush of estrogen, but the ability to "bounce back" should be a lot easier in comparison to cyp or deca where you're shutdown for sometimes a month even after PCT.

That may be true for recovery and DURATION of side effects but not the amount, onset, or aggressiveness of those sides. Also, Unfortunately, that's not the case in regards to test suspension can equal the same results in half the time. Yes steroids do increase the rate of muscle mass gains in a dose dependent manner but there is an upper threshold that's lower than you assume in that statement.

Cycle A) test Cyp 750mg/wk for 20wks.
Cycle B) test suspension 750mg for 10wks

You can realistically get 5-7lbs of muscle mass in 20wks in cycle A depending on other variables but let's assume they're all the same besides the compounds used. Maybe more but that's pushing it. There is NO way you are gaining 5-7lbs of muscle in 10wks on cycle B. NONE.

A more extreme example to prove my point about the upper limit threshold on muscle development:

If you injected 10 GRAMS of test suspension a week for those 10wks (100grams total for the cycle) the results still would not equal out to a Cyp cycle of 1g/wk for 100wks (100 grams total for cycle)

Do you see my point?
I was thinking of technicalities like..
100mg of Suspension = 100mg
100 of Cyp =/= 100mg

For every 100mg of test Cyp there is 69mg of actual hormone. That's a difference of 31mg for every 100mg injected. For a typical beginner cycle of 500mg/wk that would amount to a difference of 155mg/wk...a decent TRT dose. Yes it's less but the differences aren't that drastic in terms of results and more than offset by the necessity to pin 2x or more daily with the suspension (for most ppl, some are masochistic lol)