Testosterone Enanthate and EQ

ive seen crazy cycles but i dont get the point of yours eq a the minimum dose? and test at a high dose? why dont u balance it out and if your going to run it for a whole year you should throw some hcg in and maybe a ai
Gabecypio said:
I'v decided to do a bit of a crazy cycle. I am 21 5"11" 10% bodyfat and 205 lbs. I am going to run 1000mgs of testosterone enanthate and 200 mgs of EQ per week for 50 weeks straight! Live fast die young and leave a good looking corpse.
Screw it dude, why not just hook up a 2 liter pepsi bottle to your arm with a turkey baster with a test/EQ combo and have it permanently implanted? That might get you even bigger! Try stuffing dbol pills up your a## right before your workout too, that gets you really big!
This cycle is one of the dumbest I have ever seen.
You will do little more than fuck yourself up in the long run. After a few months of this cycle you will see zero gains so why bother? You would see much better results from a more "normal" cycle of 500mg of each for 12 - 15 weeks. Then do the correct PCT. Then do the same cycle again after taking some time off from the juice. In a year you could do this cycle twice and see much better results and stay healthy.