Testosterone From Dhea And Sugar


To a suspension of 40 grams yeist in a 160 ml H20 add 1.5 grams of dihydrogen phosphate. Shake for 1 day in O2 atmosphere then add 1 gram of DHEA suspended in 150 ml H2O. Shake again in O2 atmosphere for 2 days. Add 130 grams invert sugar ( brown sugar ) then let stand for 3 days at room temperature. Extract with 3X50 ml either or methylene chloride. Wash by shaking with H2O and seperate ( the either will rise to the top of the container because it's lighter than water ). Remove the either and evaporate. What's left is testosterone.

For informational purposes only.

Also DON'T use either in a building because it's extremeny flamable and the slightest spark will cause a violent exploshion. Take it out side. It evaporates very fast and also the fumes in high concentrations will put you to sleep and you won't get up !

Either and methylene chloride are organic solvents and can cause all sorts of health trouble. Again take them outside to work with.
You can also, which is alot more difficult than your aproach, purchase some test powders and convert it yourself.

Like I said, more labor intensive, but worth a shot!! lol
wow, someone with lab skills needs to do this and get the results tested.
Also where did you get this info?
scary shit, id rather get TNE from syno

tell us how it goes and have fire extinguisher by your side
whats the cost to make this per 100ml @ 100mg/ml? for example or a bigger batch if you like.

i dont even like test base. too much work. wheres the cyp?
I Don't know what the cost is or the number of grams of test is produced for a batch this size. I am sure you could make this in large batches but the equipment to do this would be expensive , I bet this is how the underground labs are doing it ! The sources of the information are organic chemists. Believe me it's real.

I have not done this myself because my source for gear is so good.

pullinbig said:
whats the cost to make this per 100ml @ 100mg/ml? for example or a bigger batch if you like.

i dont even like test base. too much work. wheres the cyp?
test powder is dirt cheap. i mean dirt cheap.

if you buying premade gear you gonna shit when you find out what it costs to make test.
Testosterone From Dhea Sugar

I saw it for sale before 1990. It was Test Cyp and it was over $ 300.00 an ounce in powder form.

pullinbig said:
test powder is dirt cheap. i mean dirt cheap.

if you buying premade gear you gonna shit when you find out what it costs to make test.