Testosterone OH for nut shriking?


New member
Let me first explain my problem. See i cant get HCG b/c it has to be refrigerated. People in my house would ask questions, and i don't want that, 0k. Anyway, i read about Testosterone OH by hmgear.com (4-Hydrotestosterone). I have heard good things about it's HPTA function boosting abilities. Dose it really work, what dose should i take for a HPTA boost, has anyone here used it, and is this the best place (cheapest) to get it? Thanks
You can take HCG if you have significant testicular atrophy (nut shrinkage), but if not, it is not really necessary. HCG doesn't restore HPTA anyway. You can take a Nolva or Clomid for that to get your test back in action.

Careful of Clomid though. Works, but made me a little bitch!!
test oh ,will supress u , there new fact that say so ,i read it author l rea s book ,i belive that hes wrong and actually does supress .
If it's indeed a potent androgen it probably won't help (it might actualy cause suppression)...

4 hydroxyandrostenedione was shown to cause a slight increase of LH/test (it's an aromatase inhibitor)... but it still wouldn't be a good choice since estrogen is already suppressed post cycle... You can use clomid (or nolvadex) instead.