Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 10 weeks and Test is through the roof.....feedback please.

Older Guy

New member
TRT for 10 weeks and Test is through the roof.....feedback please.

I had been doing 150/wk Cyp for 6 weeks and just got my tests back 4 weeks ago.........just a touch under 900 and feeling pretty good.

Dr felt I was a bit high so said get them tested again in 1 month. Latest results 1 month later, same amount per week (150 cyp) and my Testosterone levels are 1140.

Is this crazy or normal? Does it take a few months for test levels to level off? What should I expect and is this in fact too high?

Doc said he wants me to cut back to 125/week FWIW.

All feedback is appreciated.

43 yrs old
5' 11" 190lbs very little body fat
Prior to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) total test was @ 480
*Taking nothing else
Finally you did soemthing - wondered what happened to you. No - 900-1200 is fine - i hover at 900 or so and feel great. Hell, mine were 3800 when cycling. Cutting back to 125 is fine - its not gonna drop you that much and is still plenty. remember 900 -1000 was NORMAL back in your 20's.

So, how do you feel?? glad you did it??
FYI - "through the roof" is over 3500 - you are way off.

Think about it the range is 300-900 - if you are at 1140, you are a whopping 15% high.
Thx Dude, I feel great! And thanks for the advice past and present......much appreciated.
I guess the doc freaked me out cuz he said they were pretty high.
One last question though.....should I expect swings like this before they stabilize? I mean 900 to 1150 is a good swing, especially given that I'm taking the same amount of the Cyp.
yep - testosterone swings naturally on a daily basis over 20%. Depends on alcohol, sugar, workout. Don't sweat it dude. no blood levels of anything are the same every day.

ENJOY IT!!!!!!!
Ok I lied....one more question.
How important is an anti E and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on such a low dose?
My boyz are doing just fine and no gyno issues etc BUT should I be taking the 2 in conjunction with my Testosterone to keep things in check?
Dose and frequency?
What kind of Dr. gave you testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? Just curious cause I'm a bit younger than you and have lower test levels (260-390) and I can't get a Dr. in PA to help.
I'm paying out of pocket right now. I should be shooting 200 cyp, but cut back to 100 until I get some blood work. I'm also on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x a week for a total of 500iu and arimadex 3x a week. Sounds like we are in the same boat.

Keep the HCG. The way it was explained to me was that it keeps you from shutting down your natural test production.
I'm in Canada......and my insurance covers my test cyp.
As far as the HCG....why bother? I'm going to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life right? I don't care about shutting down my natural test.
Am I missing something regarding HCG?
May just go on it to be safe but really don't see the point............feedback?
Sorry, I should have said Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will keep your pituitary from being shut down.