Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) suggestions please

Where I really noticed it was when I play sports like hockey. I had a spring to my step. Guys on my team actually told me that I looked faster. I felt stronger and faster -- like my old self again. And recovery afterwards was much better.
What's your LH and FSH? Use these lab results to try to figure out if you have primary or secondary hypogonadism. Depending on what you find out you might be able to fix the problem (i.e. a PCT) rather than going on TRT. Going on Test alone for a few months is just going to shut off what is left of your natural production and you are going to be screwed when you try to come off it in 12 weeks.

And x2 on the monthly shot. That is retarded.
the man is 43 yrs old he needs what he needs ,you can tell that your power is going on you in the gym and your soft wrench.
Thanks Megatron28, you have led me in the right direction on what I should be looking for. I know you not a doctor and I am not taking your advice as such. But the information you providing me is what I needed so I can know what to ask or at least look for. Now one other question, I noticed you mentioned Test Cyp. Do you recommend that over Test Etanate? Thanks

I have done both and dont notice the difference most will say E actually holds less water. One is made in Europe(portugal) and the other the states, from what I gather one has one different molecule and one is suspended in cotton oil vs sesame oil or something.

Yeah I would want a program of about 100-200mg per week maybe 10 days at the most to start. Your idea of cycling may not be a bad one if you wish to just jump start yourself, but if thats the case I would ask for clomid or even an HCG first to see if that works as its less intrusive and less addictive in the long run. I know a lot people come here with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) issues talking about cycling as if it were testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), or wanting cycle and know what it is. personally if I had the issue which I do, lets start in the basement and work our way up first to see what we have and what works instead of throwing everything in the pot right away. Doing a cycle as you explained in going to more and likely require you to be on multiple drugs at one time, and when you come off to take more drugs. Which I am not going to comment whether that is good or bad you can decide for yourself. Also if you cycle more than likely your going to have to acquire some if not all it black market style which personall that isnt worth it for me.

But you have to ask yourself do you want to regain what you lost or acheive more than what you could normally do, if you want to do the latter than cycling would be for you. One other thing to take into account is age, I know some people including myself will say that age shouldnt mean you should have to sacrifice anything, but in reality with age does come with some deteriation of the body and being huge and bulked like you were might not be a reality. Now whether you pursue the fountain of youth is up to you and be sure to research all angles as everything is not hunky dory with going this route.
Thanks Ironbutterfly, any other suggestions?

I might also suggest looking at your alcohol intake or other recrational drugs all of those could be affecting you. Not to mention any other scrips out there. Other than that check your diet, no need to go on the chicken and rice with protein shake diet, but really examine what you are intaking. Sleep is important and can really throw you off but your are already addressing that. And with your age it may not be feasible to maintain a good muscle fat balance with just lifting and may have to start rotating in some cardio.