Thai Anabol - Fake or not

Jean Claude

New member
I just received my second batch of thai anabol from a supplier. I won't mention the name here until I'm sure whether its fake or not.

The first batch were dark pink, fiver sided, had a snake log on one side and a line on the other. They could not be crushed, and they did not dissolve in the mouth very easily. i.e, if you sucked them, they did not immediately dissolve.

The second batch were a slighly ligher colour. They are five sided, have a line on one side, and nothing on the other. They can be crushed, but only with considerable force, (i.e not easily). If however i put one in my mouth, it dissolves immediately.

I suspect that the second batch are fake, but I would appreciate anyones opinion before I approach the supplier.

many thanks.
i herd to watch out for the ones that dont have a pic on them. that they're fakes, but hmmm, could be new styling like party boy said
Here is a picture of the tablets.
On the left are the first batch which I believe to be genuine
On the right, the second batch whcih I believe to be fake.
Any ideas from the picture ?
Thai Anabol pics

Here is a picture of the tablets.
On the left are the first batch which I believe to be genuine
On the right, the second batch whcih I believe to be fake.
Any ideas from the picture ?
Ok, you just answered my question. They are fake as i suspected.
Ok, now just off to kill my supplier !


Just to confirm.
The ones on the LEFT I know to be genuine.
Are you saying that the ones on the RIGHT are also genuine ?
many thanks.

btw, the camera is an olympus C-990. I bought it a few years ago on a trip to singapore. I does make very nice pics :)
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Ive used ones just like that, as long as they pass the thumb test they are good to go, the mouth dissolving doesn't mean dick IMO.
Yup. Actually, Nimrod and I used the exact same Thai's from the same batch and they were good. They crushed very easily and dissolved very fast, but they were good. Also had a top NPC light heavyweight using them and he had no problems with them.
just got a bottle and the L/C number is different? it is D10147 and the Mfg. Date is 120700? does that make a difference. The label where it says Anabolic hormone for the promotion of constructive anabolism of proteins is different also. same words but written in shorter sentences than the picture shown here, written like this:

Anabolic Hormone for the
promotion of constructive
anabolism of proteins
this is the second of 2 bottles the first bottle the pills were pretty fragile even chipped a lot of them.??haven't opened this bottle, also didn't take any of the pills from the 1st bottle
The ones on the right dont look good seems that they have been wet like mentioned before, because the texture is way off...if they have been wet they should dissolve easily in your mouth..the only way to know for sure is by using them i think buddy..

bump it on up bro..bring it to the top..cut me some slack i have been off the juice for a year!!!ha