New member
Props to the 5x5 routine! Ive been benching for 7 months with it, got my 5x5 from 135lbs, to 205lbs . My chest has never been bigger in my life. Ive think ive plateaued at 205, next week i'm starting 5x3. Thank you 5x5!
Im kinda mixed up here where its saids 5x5 does that mean i do 5 sets for 5 reps with the exact same weight then next week l'll increase the weight a little and do 5x5 of that same weight????
and same as the 2x8...do i keep the same weight for both sets?
Im kinda mixed up here where its saids 5x5 does that mean i do 5 sets for 5 reps with the exact same weight then next week l'll increase the weight a little and do 5x5 of that same weight????
and same as the 2x8...do i keep the same weight for both sets?
?brizo said:Looks like a bullet proof routine,
can you incorperate this routine whilst dropping bf or should i just wait until im bulking again?
bigggdoggg said:needsize i have read every post and was more convinced on each one. there were 2 routine splits that caught my eye i was wondering what one u think would be best for what im looking for. im goin to be starting a test tren dbol cycle and want alot of huge mass gains. what one of these routines do u think would work best
Day 1 chest/calves
Flat bench 5x5
incline dumbell press 2x8-10
incline flyes 2x8-10
standing calve raises 5x15
Day 2 Back/Shoulders
deads 5x5
chins 2x8-10
shrugs 2x8-10
rows 2x8-10
military press 5x5
side laterals 3-5x8-10
bent over laterals 2x8-10
Day 3&4 rest
Day 5 Bis/Tris
standing barbell curls 5x5
incline dumbell curls 2x8-10
preacher curls 2x8-10
close grip bench 5x5
weighted dips 2x8-10
skull crushers 2x8-10
Day 6 Legs
squats 5x5
leg press or hacks 2x8-10
stiff legged deads 2x8-10
leg curls 2x8-10
seated calve raises 5x15
abs - weighted static holds
Day 7 rest
Mon – Back/Shoulders/Traps
Tue – Rest
Wed – Chest/Triceps
Thu – Rest
Fri – Legs/Biceps
Sat – Rest
Sun - Rest
Monday (Back/Shoulders)
1) Deadlift – 5x5
2) Chins – 2x8
3) BB Row– 2x8
4) BB front press – 5x5
6) Side lateral raises – 2x 8-10
7) BB Shrugs – 2x 6-8
Wednesday (Chest/Triceps)
1) Flat Bench – 5x5
2) Incline Dumbell Press – 2x8
3) Incline Flyes – 2x8
4) Skull Crushers – 5x5
5) Cable push down – 2x8*
6) Machine Dips – 2x8*
*Do #5 or #6 @ alternate workouts
Friday (Legs/Biceps)
1) Squat – 5x5
2) SLDL – 2x8
3) Hack Squat – 2x8
4) Sitting Calf Raise – 5x15
5) BB Curls – 5x5
6) Hammer Curl 2x 8 **
7) Preacher Curl 2x 8**