The Beastdrol Debate!!


Smoke or get Smoked
I have never come across a product with so much controversy. I have searched all over the web and all you find are different stories, but the one thing that remains consistent is that all the positive reviews are made by reps. I personally have never tried these products nor do I know anyone, personally, who has, so they may work they may not im not sure. But what I do know is anywhere you go you will not find a thread that wasn't bombarded by reps saying just how great. Theses are and how they have used them and made all. These incredible gains etc etc, guys, seriously you make these products look shady, your a rep of course they work of course they are the best, the salesman at the Toyota dealership told me Toyota were the best cars on the road with no problems, big surprise!! I am not bashing anyone or any product I am just saying its hard to get honest unbiased reviews on these products without reps attacking the thread, your make them look shady if they are great and they do work then what are yo worried about let the people speak and your products will prevail.
That's all I was saying they defend and hype it up so much and jump ally over someone if they talk bad about it, makes it look bad.we all got to make money and if your in sales or promotions that's how you make your money, but in the end good products speak for themselves and honestly they sell themselves. Does it work? Does it do all it claims to? I still don't know and after all this research I still don't know.
I prefer some real gear any day but have let my curiosity get the best of me. It seems like it may work, but like you said all the hype has made me. Very suspicious.
Speaking from experience, it works. It will beat the shit out of you in the process but it does what it says. Will i ever do it again or rec it to someone...hell to the no, at least not someone I care about. Sorry to all the reps that cheered me on but, got to keep it real.
Now that's an honest post, what kind of gains did you get? Did you keep them? Can you tell me just how it beat the shit out of you, thanks just looking for some real unbiased info from people that have actually used it and have no hidden agenda.
You don't hear anyone hyping up NO Xplode, or Jack3d. That's because these work. At least with Beastdrol you don't have 5 reps pimping this stuff and bumping threads all day. I've actually seen posts in the PH forum here with people recording actual results with this product. Beast has built up a reputation appears because people have used it and it has gotten them results. They aren't making these claims of similar results to 490mgs of test e per week. Stuff like that makes me immediately suspicious.

No doubt, man. No outrageous claims.. Just results. Beastdrol or SD for that matter works! And damn well. Cycle right, with supports and great diet & training and you'll make great gains without a doubt ;)
All companies will have outrageous claims. As Smallblackguy pointed out, N2 has reps in a lot of threads, pimping products. Most companies do, but on a smaller scale.

As smallblackguy pointed out yet again:

Stuff like that makes me immediately suspicious.

Yah, the reps can make things suspicious, you can try the product out yourself and make a judgment. Our company provides a Money-Back Guarantee, I don't know if N2BM does though.
beast works to a degree,it does have bad sides and you will put on water weight.and you will lose some of your gains after you cycle off...side alone i don't think its worth all the stress on your body,i have a cycle left and i've been debating if i want to use it,or just chuck it,,i have decided to do a test cycle this fall/winter..
Speaking from experience, it works. It will beat the shit out of you in the process but it does what it says. Will i ever do it again or rec it to someone...hell to the no, at least not someone I care about. Sorry to all the reps that cheered me on but, got to keep it real.

Real is far better than some something kept in line just to put something in a good light. I only know of about 5 guys who take super and feel...well super while using it.

Super can be a rough compound, but if anything it does do what it says. More often than not the last person I was discussing super with thought it was not working, until he fixed his diet and increased his calories then all of a sudden a rush of PR's befell him. Super, Tren(the PH, not real tren), and other products are known for harsh sides.

Sometimes, its not always the product. No product is a miracle drug. Even if when given the nutrients and training it can do alot.
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I don't believe that you will ever see a thread about Beastdrol where we recommend it to beginners. It is a serious compound capable packing on serious mass when run in conjunction with the proper diet and training program. There are many companies on here that offer good products but none are a magic solution and all come with a price. Everyone responds differently to these compounds and the sides are worse for some than they are for others. I know many people that have used beast with great success and Mr Supps does stand behind their products. You don't know what will work for you until you try it, but this is true for any of the compounds we put in our bodies.
I've used beastdrol. The effects kicked in pretty soon, it was extreme muscle hardness and extreme pumps. I didn't really experience side effects but reading all the people saying how bad SD is for you ill never run it again. Almost half of your gains go out the window after post cycle therapy (pct). I'm pretty sure diet wasn't the issue since I got awesome gains during cycle. I also ran dieselbolan 2.0 and that gave awesome results too. There both powerful but they suck as standalone cycles, I'm convinced now that oral only cycles wont really get you too far. And also how do we know these new PH's are not more toxic than dbol or a-bombs? Maybe we are better off using the orals that have been used by pro bbers for years. Just from my experience I've used other n2bm supplements and they don't really do much at all.
i used dbol as my first cycle kickstart and the majority of my gains seemed to be water but got me by till the test kicked in. figured i would give beastdrol a try, i'll deffently post up what i think about it in my log
:freak:Let me say this about the beast "It Works" You are going to pay the piper big time with side affects. BP,latargy,back bumps, limp dick, cramping etc. While on cycle I was up 17lb pretty clean lbs. After pct I was able to hold onto about 7-8lb of lean muscle mass. 7-8lb of lean mass for a 28 day cycle at 30 mg per day. For me it was well worth it, hell I'm thinking about doing it again sometime this winter.
I could see what your saying. Two of my friends took Beastdrol and trust me that shit is for real, lol. Also you have to remember NTBM reps are not Mr. Supps reps. I think 99% of them pay for the Mr. Supps products. So when they say that they liked it they mean it! Because they had to pay for it.

I took Helladrol and yeah it worked. Mr. Supps has some great deal on his PHs.