The best injection site... to get the most from your gear:


New member
I want to take a moment to talk to everyone about the Ventrogluteal IM Injection vs. other injection sites.

My girlfriend is a nurse and she pins me in the Ventrogluteal and I'll tell you why... and then I'll back it with some research for you guys.
All the medical practitioners are slowly switching from glutes to ventrogluteal, because there are no arteries, way less nerves, it's less painful to the patient and the absorption rate is 33% higher.
Getting 33% better absorption means getting more gear at a smother rate. This point can not be argued, it is a medical fact; and the medical field would not be using this as their most recommended IM injection site just for the hell of it.

Here's the results of a medical study relating directly to the top IM injection sites:
Where should an intramuscular (IM) injection be given? Nurses learn there are four possible sites: the arm (deltoid); thigh (vastus lateralis); upper outer posterior buttock (gluteus maximus), also referred to as the dorsogluteal site; and the lateral hip (gluteus medius), also called the ventrogluteal site. Choosing which site to use has been, for the most part, a matter of personal preference (the nurse's or the patient's), tradition, or convenience. But two recent surveys, both authored by medical professionals, provide a more scientific rationale for IM site selection.
(AACN Clin.Iss.Crit.Care 5[2]: 207-214, May 1994; Applied Nurs.Res. 8[1]: 23-33, Feb. 1995).

These comprehensive surveys of research reports and case study literature about IM injections revealed that administering medication intramuscularly can produce a variety of serious adverse effects, including skin and tissue trauma, muscle fibrosis and contracture, nerve palsies and paralysis, and infectious processes such as abscesses or gangrene. The authors identified some techniques nurses can use to reduce the risk of these reactions, one of which is choosing the best injection site.

Both surveys cited an impressive body of literature demonstrating that some complications of IM injection are linked specifically to the injection site. Of the four possible sites for IM injection, the authors found only one-the ventrogluteal-that had not been associated with any adverse effects whatsoever. The medical professionials involved in this study believe that some anatomical features may make it superior to others:
These include -
Lack of major nerves or blood vessels in the area.
An ample and well-developed muscle mass.
The ease of identifying landmarks for the site. (To establish the location, you place the heel of your right hand over the patient's left greater trochanter, or vice versa, and position your index finger on or toward the anterior superior iliac spine, then stretch your middle finger away from your index finger. The center of the triangle formed by your fingers and the iliac crest is your injection site.)
Injections into this area are less likely to be inadvertently deposited into subcutaneous (SC), rather than muscle, tissue.
With other injection sites, an unintended SC injection is related to difficulty with assessing the thickness of the SC fat pad. Besides altering drug absorption and response, this practice can cause injury to SC tissue.
The dorsogluteal (Your butt or ASS)fat pad is of inconsistent thickness (1 to 9 cm), whereas the ventrogluteal is more uniform among individuals (3.75 cm or less).
Muscle underlying this thickness at the ventrogluteal site is easily penetrated with the usual 11/2-inch needle used for IM injections.
The authors of both surveys cited an experiment in which nurses and student nurses who were attempting to administer IM injections in the dorsogluteal site actually penetrated into muscle tissue in less than 5% of the females and less than 15% of the males in the study. With the ventrogluteal site IM injection, success was nearly at 100%.
Up to 33% better absorption.
Why the hell would you not get 100% of what you can from your gear? Why settle for only getting 67-85% of something that you pay good money for? Why the hell would you not want better results and a smoother arch on your stable blood levels?

Here's what needs to change if we want the most from our gear (The high-level pros know this):
Despite the reports' and findings (listed above) that the advantages of the ventrogluteal site have been recognized for almost 45 years, it remains the most infrequently used in bodybuilding. Yet the evidence for its superiority over other sites is compelling, and both author groups of these surveys recommend that it be considered as the pinnacle site of choice for IM injections.
Guys... gals... everyone here at steroidology... we're long overdue for putting this research into practice.

NEVER pin gear that you have never pinned before in this location!
This is a very safe site to inject into for IM... but if hypersensitivity were to take place because you were allergic to something, it would not be possible to apply a tourniquet in order to delay absorption.
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Up to 33% better absorption.
Why the hell would you not get 100% of what you can from your gear? Why settle for only getting 67-85% of something that you pay good money for? Why the hell would you not want better results and a smoother arch on your stable blood levels?

Do you have a resource or citation for this statement? I agree with most of what you posted, but I have NEVER heard of an efficacy differential due to the location of the IM injection. Is this due to possible subQ leakage from other sites, or is there some other mechanism at work here? Great post otherwise. :)
My GF is a nurse practitioner and really knows her stuff. She actually looked it up in a medical manual at work, but I can try and get the actual citation for you halfwit. (Halfwit... LOL)
I would NEVER pin gear that you have not pinned before in this location!
The only major knock against this IM injection site is that if hypersensitivity were to take place a tourniquet would not be possible to apply to delay absorption.
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My GF is a nurse practitioner and really knows her stuff. She actually looked it up in a medical manual at work, but I can try and get the actual citation for you halfwit. (Halfwit... LOL)
I would NEVER pin gear that you have never pinned before in this location!
The only major knock against this IM injection site is that if hypersensitivity were to take place a tourniquet would not be possible to apply to delay absorption.
Thanks for the info man, I totally am always open to learning new stuff - I had just never heard this statistic before. If this is indeed the case, I may need to brush up on my VG technique as I just said screw it and made quads/delts my sites of choice due to the easiness of injection. :D
I like the ventro glute. It is a good spot to hold a lot of oil. The first time I pinned it, I shot 2.5mls in there and the next day I was limping around and could barely walk. I actually like it way better than glutes and it is easy to aspirate if you want.
It might be a great site if someone is injecting you but I think for me ill just stick to my 6 goto locations.
I had a hard time locating this injection site the first time, I ended up drawing two giant circles in sharpie on where I needed to inject lol. I looked like a damn idiot for the next week or so when I showered, was pretty funny.
Just trace your hand with the V finger thingy with pencil on the paper. Cut it out. And then you can put the cut out hand on your body to locate the proper position - problem solved!
Once you figure it out... there is really no better or safer place to pin for an IM injection in my, and many in the medical fields, opinion.
Nothing wrong with the other sites, I used them when rotating, but my fav gear and biggest bumps... go into the ventro..
Why does this thread smell so sticky?
If you're lean in the area you can get away with 1".
I use 1" there... Some people will have to use 1 1/4"... But for most builders I'm sure 1" would be more than okay.
Don't believe till I see the study in hand.

If you injecting STRAIGHT into the muscle and not in the fat to absorb into the muscle then it's all the same.
I still cant figure it out lol my dr drew a cross on my glute and said use the top right square thats what ive been doing with my cyp
Looking at the diagram of this... I dunno... Appears to be right on my freakin hip.. If I inject my T400 into this area, I will DEFINITELY be in pain..