The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

It is amazing what the right song can do when you hear it at the right time. For all the hard rock on my play list, I find the most motivating song I have is "Happy" by Pherrell Williams. First, the beat matches my running pace exactly (6.5 mph with my stride hits the beat every time). Plus, the words are perfect:

Bring me down... can't nothing...
Bring me down... my level's too high...
Bring me down... can't nothing...
Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now)
Bring me down... can't nothing...
Bring me down... my level's too high...
Bring me down... can't nothing...
Bring me down, I said...

Because I'm happy...
It is amazing what the right song can do when you hear it at the right time. For all the hard rock on my play list, I find the most motivating song I have is "Happy" by Pherrell Williams. First, the beat matches my running pace exactly (6.5 mph with my stride hits the beat every time). Plus, the words are perfect:

Bring me down... can't nothing...
Bring me down... my level's too high...
Bring me down... can't nothing...
Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now)
Bring me down... can't nothing...
Bring me down... my level's too high...
Bring me down... can't nothing...
Bring me down, I said...

Because I'm happy...

I would kill myself if this song came on while I worked out lol. At my job, they played it at the beginning of shift for weeks. And then midday for weeks. Not a terrible song, but after 100+ times, literally, it gets to be nails on a chalkboard. haha

I totally get it though, that perfect song for the pace you have set on a cardio session or the intensity of your strength training.
To the OP, keep it up man. If you fall off a workout, pick it up the next day and mix it in your next one. I work a physically demanding job and some days I got it, some days I don't. On the days I don't, I drop the PWO nutrition, and on the days I do, I go hard as fuck and bust out two muscle groups at once.

If you're following 3Js training like I am, just superset all of what day you missed with what you're scheduled to do that day in the gym. The intensity will teach you a lesson and make it a harder bargain to skip next time around.

Other than all that, this is a long term goal. And a day off here, a week off there, one missed meal, a beer or two, etc.. all these things don't even come close to measuring up to the days you are in the gym, the meals you are eating clean, and the days you do go without alcohol. In the grand scheme of it, you could say over the course of a year's time, 97% of the time you did perfect, and the other 3% is just keeping your sanity.

Good job so far and I am looking forward to seeing your transformation. Don't be scared to post pictures with your face cut out, many people on here have been in some pretty lowly places. This community will not make fun.

Anyway, keep it up!
Today was not a good day. My diet was perfect, but I couldn't make it to the gym. Work was suppose to be slow and I was suppose to get in an afternoon session for shoulders + cardio but work called me in early. Then I switched gears and prepped for a late night gym session. Unfortunately, time ran out and since I rely on public transportation (As most do in Japan) I had to make the last train home. So I carried my fully loaded gym bag and 6 meals with me all day ONLY to just go home.

@Hypnotix, I'll try what you. I'll throw shoulders in after my leg workout tomorrow. I've got NOTHING in the evening for work so there's no reason I shouldn't be in the gym. Prepping food before bed since I'm out the door early in the AM.

I thought I had some bad allergies for the last 2 weeks, but it looks like it was more allergies AND a cold. No fever so no reason not to hit the gym. Doctor says allergies can come and go at any age but he had no idea what my allergy was. He didn't feel I needed to get any bloodwork done to see what it was. He just dished out some meds that ended up not working. Time to get the family back home to send me a care package. Also time to put together a good cardio playlist of music.
If you superset your shoulders with your legs it won't take so long. So it won't feel like you're in the gym for two sessions. For example.

Squats x Dumbell Military Press
Leg Extension x Lateral Raises
Leg Curls x Front Raises
Calf Raises x Shrugs

So for superset one, you'll do your squat warm-up and then immediately get into position and start your military press warm-up. 15 reps each to failure just like normal. Then just do every set just like that, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 and then on military press follow immediately into your burn out from the last 8 rep set for 20 reps.
I used to have the 90lb ones. Let me tell you, bowflex db's are awkward as hell as they're super long and tend to hit each other when doing flyes or presses. Nifty gadgets, but too clunky when compared to the standard fare you'll see at a gym imo.


We have a set of the 90's at work and the adjustable bench. Definitely awkward but they are great to have to finish up some exercises I miss when I'm on day work and have to get a quick workout in the morning before my shift starts.
Weight: 149.0 kgs (+0.2)

So, this week sucked. I had cardio added and was expecting another drop in weight. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Add to that I couldn't make it to the gym today and I feel like crap for it. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it today because of work. I actually fit in arms on Monday/Tuesday knowing I'd not be able to go in today. The weekend is here which means hard work (My weekend work is the hardest part of my week). Got my meals prepped for the day. Monday the gym is closed so that'll be 4 days no gym and no cardio...although I'll try to figure in something for when I get home, some kind of cardio.

At the engagement I was at tonight some friendly faces came by to say I looked like I lost weight. Not sure it's noticeable, it isn't to me. It's still a bit of an ego booster to hear it though. Managed to stay away from alcohol and food. Had to buy something, so I had a coffee. I call that a win.

Added Cialis to my daily routine. Haven't noticed the pre-workout pumps that some have talked about. I do notice that things in bed can escalate very quickly though.

Here's hoping more cardio and a bit of a tweak to the diet brings me closer to my goals. I will admit, eating the same food every week has made shopping easier and less expensive. Not sure if people 'need' a variety. I hear you should switch your protein sources but so far chicken is doing me fine. Some raw salmon every now and again...and from next week I'll be adding camel burgers to my plate. A bit expensive, but it's something new to try. If I like it, it'll become a staple.
Do jumping jacks or get a jump rope. Both are good for cardio and do not need much room to do.
As a note, you see yourself all the time so you will be hard pressed to notice the changes. Others, who see you less often, will see all the small changes in one large chunk. Trust them, they are really seeing the changes. :)

EDIT: This is because you are a guy...if you were a girl they might be saying you look like you lost weight just to be nice. No one does that to guys just to be nice, though. ;)
An awful end to what was suppose to be a good weekend. I had to have dinner/drinks with clients. Our company messed up and we had to take them out. I tried to keep it to a minimum. It was my zero carb day. Had 3 whiskeys. Dinner was Korean BBQ so I had mostly meat and veggies. No rice. And for the first time in what seems like a lifetime, I actually threw up because of the alcohol at the end. I managed to hide that, but my body just wasn't taking in the alcohol.

Today all my meals were perfectly prepped but my stomach wasn't happy with me. I had to break the meals down into 10 instead of 5. I'm feeling better. I'm thinking I should try and do some cardio right now at home.

New diet is here, looking forward to seeing more changes in weight. I knew November/December wouldn't be tough months. Just a couple more weeks.
An awful end to what was suppose to be a good weekend. I had to have dinner/drinks with clients. Our company messed up and we had to take them out. I tried to keep it to a minimum. It was my zero carb day. Had 3 whiskeys. Dinner was Korean BBQ so I had mostly meat and veggies. No rice. And for the first time in what seems like a lifetime, I actually threw up because of the alcohol at the end. I managed to hide that, but my body just wasn't taking in the alcohol.

Today all my meals were perfectly prepped but my stomach wasn't happy with me. I had to break the meals down into 10 instead of 5. I'm feeling better. I'm thinking I should try and do some cardio right now at home.

New diet is here, looking forward to seeing more changes in weight. I knew November/December wouldn't be tough months. Just a couple more weeks.

Hang tight, small setbacks are just that - small. What matters is being consistent; if you can maintain 90% of the time, you'll still make progress.

I honestly believe that the harder the journey, the sweeter the victory will taste. :)
Hang tight, small setbacks are just that - small. What matters is being consistent; if you can maintain 90% of the time, you'll still make progress.

I honestly believe that the harder the journey, the sweeter the victory will taste. :)
Yes sir, NOTHING worth having comes easy.

Syn, look at this as a positive! You body doesnt want that alcohol, remember that and stay strong.
4 days out of the gym, first day back, I feel more sore than I ever normally do. I planned to sleep in a bit and do a late gym, decided to wake up early and went in the morning. Cardio went by fast, the right music definitely helped. I'm suppose to keep my HR at 130 but I'm hitting 150. Not sure if this is good or bad, have to ask 3J.

I will say that my legs are feeling especially sore right now. After training and cardio I had work, walking around with my gym bag all over town. Got home, enjoyed a hot shower. Got one more meal before it's bed time. Managed to skip a business Christmas party. I'm hoping some of the people around me are realizing I'm working hard to get into shape and that diet is the real key. I've gotta be up early for the gym tomorrow and have to attend a party that I can't skip out on, but I'll manage.
UPDATE: Today is not my weigh-in day, but since I'm going out tonight I figured I'd weigh myself in the morning and see what kind of fluctuations I'd see. I'm down 3kgs in 5 days. I already updated 3J just in case but would love to hear from everyone else. Is this the after effects of starting cardio? Does it happen this late after the fact? I love the big jump but is it maybe too big a jump?
Hey brother don't get caught up in scales and weighing and if you lost this much weigh this week or not. Do me a favor, look in the mirror and say "This is officially my life" This HAS to be a life style change, and the BEST part of it, is no one can do it for YOU. It HAS to be a battle YOU win, and only YOU!!!!! Who cares if you only lose a pound this week, if you have lost 80 by this time next year.???You see what I'm saying? It's a lifestyle, it all is. Remember you will look and feel like, what you do MOST of the time. You seem to have a plan already, by working with 3J (awesome move). Stick to it, and remember once again, YOU have to do this for YOU. Good luck brother, keep making changes and strive to be better. KILL THAT SHIT***55357;***56833;
Thank you Buzzbait!!

Today, unfortunately, wasn't a good day. I'm officially sick again. This time with a cold AND fever. Japanese medicine isn't that strong so I've got to just tough it out. This is just the beginning too, tomorrow it'll be worse. Tomorrow I've got an early start as well. My appetite is shot. Managed to get meals in today with one meal to go. Whatever set backs this brings, I'll make up for it next week.

Anybody know a good remedy for cold/fever that is more natural that works? Pain relief, fever relief, upset stomach relief. It's like I did a full-body workout and suffering DOMS all over. Getting in plenty of water. Just killing time before my last meal then I'm off to bed.

And thanks for all the comments fellas, I appreciate every one of them!
Thank you Buzzbait!!

Today, unfortunately, wasn't a good day. I'm officially sick again. This time with a cold AND fever. Japanese medicine isn't that strong so I've got to just tough it out. This is just the beginning too, tomorrow it'll be worse. Tomorrow I've got an early start as well. My appetite is shot. Managed to get meals in today with one meal to go. Whatever set backs this brings, I'll make up for it next week.

Anybody know a good remedy for cold/fever that is more natural that works? Pain relief, fever relief, upset stomach relief. It's like I did a full-body workout and suffering DOMS all over. Getting in plenty of water. Just killing time before my last meal then I'm off to bed.

And thanks for all the comments fellas, I appreciate every one of them!
SYN, do they have tylenol cold/pills or anything like that over there at the drug store? If so go get some to halp you manage symptoms while your body heals on its own. Thats what I always do. Maybe nyquil or dayquil as well if they have it. These dont heal tou but they help you get through the day and night while you heal up.