The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

SYN, do they have tylenol cold/pills or anything like that over there at the drug store? If so go get some to halp you manage symptoms while your body heals on its own. Thats what I always do. Maybe nyquil or dayquil as well if they have it. These dont heal tou but they help you get through the day and night while you heal up.

They have acetaminophen in 200 mg tabs. That's it.
Weight: 145.6 kgs (-3.4)

So today was my weigh in day, and this is the number that popped up. I made it to the gym once because of this cold/fever. I'm past the fever, just feeling a bit congested. Saw a drop in size all around, mind you only by a centimeter or 2. I'll be feeling normal by Monday and back at the gym. I just hope this is it for colds this season.
I was in the gym today for the first time in a week. Felt good! Wasn't sure I'd be able to get through cardio but it went by fine with music again.

The holidays are upon us, which means the gym is quiet. It didn't hurt that it was a Monday either. Unfortunately, getting home was not easy. Trains stopped. Someone decided to off themselves on the train tracks (Common in Japan). Had to take another much longer route home. No trains moving that way for hours. It's gonna be a crap holiday for someones family.
A bad day sprinkled with a little good.

Because of the train issues yesterday and a change in work schedules, no prep for food was done. I had a proper breakfast but lunch was 5 hours later and it was Thai food. Not exactly on my list of 3J approved food.

Would be another 4 hours before I could get home to eat. On my way home I must have taken a wrong step and twisted my knee. It's feeling odd. Got home and was so worn out I took a nap***8230;which lasted 2 hours. It was 8pm and no food hadn't prepared for the gym***8230;was almost not going to go BUT something got my ass out the door. Had some protein and mac oil before goung. Was almost not going to do cardio but I did.

I've been using RUI CIA for about 2 weeks preworkout. Never noticed any pumps. Today I took at the gym, my arms felt huge, massive pump. Not sure why it happened this way.

My knee is still feeling off. Hopefully it's nothing. Tomorrow no gym. I'm off to Universal Studios with a bunch of kids. Not quite sure what to do about food other than to avoid the junk. Can't bring my food into the park. Breakfast and dinner will be spot on but meal 2 to 4 will be off. I will be in the gym on Christmas day though...then turkey at night!!
Tomorrow is my weigh-in but tonight is Christmas dinner. Thought I'd see again what the fluctuations would look like.

Weight: 144.4 kgs (-1.2)

Not bad. Off to the gym now for some shoulders and cardio. Then it's off to a friends house for Christmas dinner. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!
Down to 144 making progress.

I know how tough it is getting all the meals in sometimes when life doesn't permit it. I hit a stall a few weeks back and I think a big part was that I stared getting hungry at work when time didn't permit a sit down meal and supplemented with nits and a scoop of yogurt my body didn't like thst. Boy while working with 3j I'm learning alot about how I react to certain foods.

Don't cheat to much over the hold as you'll hate yourself for it.

Merry Christmas
Well, I powered through it today, everything went well at the gym. Surprised myself a bit...had more energy than normal. Probably Christmas dinner helping me out there.

I've got 2 days in the gym before they shut down for the New Year holidays (Biggest holidays in Japan).
You better double up. Morning and evening. I had to do that over Christmas.

Didn't want to but I didn't want to miss I'm making good progress and I feel l like shit when I know I could have got t g e wirk out in but was just lazy. I'm kinda OCD lol.
You better double up. Morning and evening. I had to do that over Christmas.

Didn't want to but I didn't want to miss I'm making good progress and I feel l like shit when I know I could have got t g e wirk out in but was just lazy. I'm kinda OCD lol.

By double up do you mean hit the gym morning and evening?
And 2 days after my Christmas dinner, I've gained 2.6kgs. That's fast but at least now I have a good idea of what happens when I cheat. Yesterday and today were spot on for diet. I'm actually going into tge gym today for legs back and cardio. Legs, mostly because of flexibility issues. Back because I feel like my lats are nonexistent. Cardio, because I need it.
Yes I meant day and a night session.

I noticed my changes when I supplemented meals at work when i dudnt have time for a meal eith a handful of nuts, scoop of Greek nf yogurt or all natural peanut butter my body didn't like it stalled and actually gained. Funny 44 years old and fibally learning how to diet properly and on a taboo steroid forum LOL. The general public just doesn't realize how much diet is the key to someone's physic.

Krep your head down and moving forward brother
Good day at the gym. Didn't split things into morning and evening, not enough time to get other stuff that needs to be done before the New Year.

Diet was 100 spot on, turkey for lunch which was AWESOME!! Gonna have to get some more turkey roasted in the New Year.

Gotta go the hospital tomorrow morning for some blood work, then it's off to the gym for the last time in 2014.
Cheated on my diet with some turkey sandwiches (Mayo with white bread). Not too bad/overboard IMO.

Did shoulders and threw in some bicep/tricep as well since I won't be in the gym until January 5th. Had to pay a little extra to get into the gym today so I had to make it worth my while. Got my 20 minutes of cardio in and feeling great.

New Year's Eve, I'll be heading into town to do a countdown party with friends. Gonna get a decent amount of protein in before heading out. Will try to stick with the straight spirits and club soda.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe new years celebration!
Well, now I know what happens when I let things go even a little...

I'm back to 149 kgs. Had 3 cheat days (Meals) but I guess that and the lack of running around for work, and alcohol all made the gain in weight over the course of a week go BOOM.

So, yesterday was the 1st day of the new year, ate properly (Although temptation was there to eat leftovers). Today, the same. Gym isn't open and this is one of only 2 days I actually have off (Start work full on tomorrow). Tomorrow is not a gym day but I'll find some time to get in anyways. I think I'll do legs, since legs is later in the week. I'll see how I feel tomorrow. I'm going to weigh myself Monday (After a low carb weekend) and see if there's much of a change.

Diet shouldn't be as hard to stick to with no company parties on the horizon. Gonna have to save some cash for a deep freezer so I can really stock up on the essentials.

Short term goal is to get to 140 kgs by the end of January.
Long term goal is to get to 120 kgs by June.
End of year goal is to get to 100 kgs at a reasonably healthy bf percentage.
All of us have those cheat days. Cringing not wanting to look down at the scale. Its what you do next that counts t g at shit is in the past. Keep your head down and keep moving forward.
All of us have those cheat days. Cringing not wanting to look down at the scale. Its what you do next that counts t g at shit is in the past. Keep your head down and keep moving forward.

As long as you bite the bullet and keep measuring your progress, you should have the motivation to follow through. As soon as you stop measuring your progress you have started allowing inhibitions to win!
There will be a few bumps in the road, but you've said an achievable goal and I look forward to seeing you reach it!
Troy Polamalu has a cheat day each week. He does not go hog wild in cheating, but he says a cheat day a week is vital if you are going to be on any sort of strict diet for the long term. He says it is the only thing that keeps him true the other 6 days...and since he knows he gets one a week he does not always use the day. It is up to how he feels. And if that is good enough for him, it is good enough for me. We all want what we cannot have, so if you can have it you want it less. :)
As always, thanks for the input fellas.

Having a cheat day once a week might not be great for my particular situation, my weight, my work and my tendency to want to consume alcohol if I do cheat, beer in particular. I managed to get out of a work related dinner, easy since it's we're in the beginning of the new year, but alcohol would've been consumed, so I came home. Today was a low carb day and I'm feeling hungry going to bed. I don't know if that's because I worked harder than normal or if it's me getting over those 3 cheat days over the holidays.

Got my meals prepped for tomorrow, tomorrow is 0 carb day the hardest of them all...kinda. I might call it an early night tomorrow, then get up early Monday for some oatmeal and protein before heading to the gym for an early workout.

I might also see a my orthopedist Monday. I've got all the symptoms for plantar fasciitis. Didn't realize it until I stumbled upon an article posted here. My left knee is also still bothering me. It feels like it's not bending properly. No pain, just an odd feeling. I THINK it started after a session on a bike where I had the seat too low. I don't know, but just to be safe I'll check it out. Last thing I need is an injury that keeps me out of the gym.
Our bodies WANT to stay fat and sedentary...curse you mother nature!! But keep on trucking and you will break through it. :)