The Evolution of far.


New member
Well guys i just finished a cycle 3 weeks ago and am on my PCT. I just wanted to show you guys the progress that i have made since i was 18 till now, 22.

First pic, 16, 155lbs 5'8"
2, 3 pic were pre cycle, that was around 185lbs 5'9"

Pic 4 and 5 were taken today, 205 lbs. 3 weeks after my last pin

Let me know what you guys think. I know this isnt like the best way to show it but i am pretty please with 50lbs in a liltte over 4 years! Only done one cycle. Cant wait for the next!

thanks bud, yeah i can try and get some better pics today....kinda hard to get back pics just right becasue im taking them on my mac, hahah
deff got the size now to cut the bf% ull look good, keep up the work.
Thanks for all the kind words guys. Im gonna start to cut next week. Ill bring my calories to right around 2500-3000 and im gonna increase cardio quite a bit. Increase the reps and cut up... Hope it all works out!
Looks like your setting a solid foundation.
Nice work. 50lbs is a great gain.

Thanks for all the kind words guys. Im gonna start to cut next week. Ill bring my calories to right around 2500-3000 and im gonna increase cardio quite a bit. Increase the reps and cut up... Hope it all works out!
sorry dudes, been busy with tests and shit this past couple weeks in school.. Ill try and get some pics here soon... and dont think they are going to be impressive hahaha.