Yeah that was my original thought but I decided to go with a pm dose cause 2 iu is more than I would produce natty. Also I notice a bit of lethargy during the day. For instance I took the total 4 iu this morning when I woke because I can not bring my pm dose with me and I am not going home tonight and about 5 hours later I felt very tired. Yesterday I took my 2 iu in the am and I felt fine, so If I do go with your suggestion then I would most likely go with an am dose and a mid afternoon dose or a pwo dose. I do have some peptides on standby but I am using HGH for the first time and I wanna see how I respond to it by itself.
Further update on my HGH cycle , Im starting week 3 today, at about day 10 I had some pretty strong tingling in my left foot and I noticed some light tingling in my arms and hands.... but after that it went away I the only thing I feel is the sleepy feeling. The lethargy is not too bad, once I start working out I feel fine. It's an interesting feeling. I feel a heavy , warm , relaxed feeling and when I nap it feels deep.
Considering 2 weeks have passed I think I will bump up a .5 iu to 4.5iu starting tomorrow. I will run that for 2 weeks and then if possible I will go to 5 iu..