The July 3J's Nutrition Network Sweepstakes!!!!!!


Super Moderator
Ok kids... its that time again...

we are going to have a simple contest...

the prize will be one of my basic diet packages.. which includes a comprehensive look at your life by me.. i will build you a tailored diet specific to your needs and follow you for 5 weeks with nutritional coaching!!

this is a 125 dollar value!!!!

the game is simple.. pick a number between 1 and 5000...

the closest number to the correct answer without going over is going to be our winner...

if two people pick the same number then the one who picked it first will win..

the winner will be announced the first day of August

let the games begin!!!!!!

I wont even insult you and put a number out there, bigtime.....

(2121.. HA HA)

For the services and attention to detail that you provide...... You should be charging ten x's what you do! Keep up the great work, bro!
maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a proud endorser of 3j's nutritional network

all hail 3j and maxiumus!!
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