Was that the last game on the 4th... and if so, what did we come up with?
Setting aside the game and focusing on the sale...
I highly recommend the Grey top hGH if you're in - or ready for that phase of your cycles... the last time I ran these I
could compare everything like being... "in the zone!"
It's just like, when you have one of those days - where you feel like Superman... everything you do simply works...
fast - smooth - and on the first try.
You can see why pro athletes run this stuff... plus it's almost like running something from the fountain of youth...
An unexpected benefit that I noticed - (and noticed BIG)... was how it stopped my shedding from the heavy cycle I was
running at the time.
I'm 49 with a full head of hair, and don't have MPB - but I do see a lot of shedding on heavy cycles... so it is something that
want to keep under control... HGH eliminated the shedding almost instantly - you can search this topic and find it is something
used outside of the BB world.
If you've been thinking of Proviron - now is the time.
And if you're new to it... here's a little info...
Proviron does act as an anti-estrogen, and results are somewhat comparable to Arimidex
but less profound...
PLEASE NOTE - that does not mean you should replace Arimidex or any other AI with Proviron.
This is what I run it for...
Due to the very high affinity for plasma binding protein such as SHGB - mesterolone can work to potentate the
"activity" of other steroids by displacing a higher percentage into a free unbound state.
And right now the price is AWESOME!