Psl contest . Who want some free stuff

Contestants are.
Elicit23 -20
Anon44 -27
Soldier74 -30
Carvelli -31
Mightysatchmo- 34
MJF -43
Utm18- 44
Polishpower13 - 48
Customerservice -49
Tx o45 -55
Averageman- 62

Goodluck. If your not on the list, you guessed to late.7pm eastern. 5 minutes before the start of the game was cut off. Sorry
Game 1- 12hits combined.
Goddamnit. I put my number in at 7:00PM exactly.

I have someone checking on this. It says 8pm. On the board. Wanna make sure thisnis correct and it is not my device thatnis incorrect.. so as soon as im informed if it is in fact my device, you will be included. But if it is confirmed it says 8pm on the site you will not be included... thanks
How about a contest regarding canelo vs khan?

Say who comes closest to the final punch output. Additional prizes if someone calls a knockout in a particular round.

I'm sure there's alot of fight fans here on ology. Also people from other countries that baseball isn't so mainstream.
Was that the last game on the 4th... and if so, what did we come up with?

Setting aside the game and focusing on the sale...

I highly recommend the Grey top hGH if you're in - or ready for that phase of your cycles... the last time I ran these I
could compare everything like being... "in the zone!"

It's just like, when you have one of those days - where you feel like Superman... everything you do simply works...
fast - smooth - and on the first try.

You can see why pro athletes run this stuff... plus it's almost like running something from the fountain of youth...

An unexpected benefit that I noticed - (and noticed BIG)... was how it stopped my shedding from the heavy cycle I was
running at the time.

I'm 49 with a full head of hair, and don't have MPB - but I do see a lot of shedding on heavy cycles... so it is something that
want to keep under control... HGH eliminated the shedding almost instantly - you can search this topic and find it is something
used outside of the BB world.

If you've been thinking of Proviron - now is the time.

And if you're new to it... here's a little info...

Proviron does act as an anti-estrogen, and results are somewhat comparable to Arimidex
but less profound... PLEASE NOTE - that does not mean you should replace Arimidex or any other AI with Proviron.

This is what I run it for...

Due to the very high affinity for plasma binding protein such as SHGB - mesterolone can work to potentate the
"activity" of other steroids by displacing a higher percentage into a free unbound state.

And right now the price is AWESOME! :D