In addition to your age, height, weight, and estimated body fat, I think it would also be helpful to know how long you've been lifting and what your current and previous workouts are/were like.
I'll second the Test Enanthate/EQ opinions, and since we're around the same age (me: 30 yo, 6'0, 230 lbs, 13% bf), I'll give you some personal experiences.
Firstly, keep in mind that everybody is different and every drug, supplement, diet, workout, etc works differently for different people.
That first cycle was straight Test Enanthate. Started off at 500 mg/week. After three-four weeks, wasn't seeing the results I wanted, so I bumped it up to 1 gram/week. BOOM! Ended up gaining 30 lbs. 10 week cycle. Kept half.
Second cycle was 1 gram Enanthate, 800 EQ/week. Pretty much same results a first cycle.
Arimidex was used during both cycles and I think it is a must in every cycle. I'm not gyno prone, but I still use it during and post cycle.
My results aren't anything special. I posted them so you could see someone else's real experience. What I did get on both cycles was very good strength gains and some decent size. No real body transformation, i.e. noticable bodyfat reduction with muscle gain. Even with the right cycle, that's a hard goal to reach.
If you really want to "drop some fat and gain mass" I think you really have to dedicate yourself to the diet and workout part.
Then again, there's the genetics factor. Me, obviously, I don't have the genetics to get lean and muscular without alot of work. Maybe you're different.
Hope this helps.
P.S. These were my first two "real" cycles. I had experimented with Deca a few years ago, but don't really count that.
My next cycle, in an attempt to get that "lean, muscular look" I mentioned will be the new classic prop and fina. I'll go low carb and start up the cardio again. If this doesn't work to get me to about 10% bf (single digit would be nicer), I don't know what will!