the newbee qwest!

i'm just guessing here alot of bf%(no offense) if thats the case test, deca i think would just add to the bf% and when you get bloated itll look use e.q because i know you can accomplish goals on your first cycle with one aas(if your commited)and always ask for advice throughout your cycle and research pre cycle like your doing now.
itll get you very hungry and when you do eat, it should be clean not munchy junk food.
1-12 weeks eq at 400 mgs.02

If you eat right and train hard the Test at low dosages should not be a prob., it will help put on some mass & the EQ will also add, but it will help keep you lean and hard.
Guys, this is a first timer. Fina, prop, Winstrol (winny)? I would not recommend this to someone who has never done ANYTHING before. We have to look out for these guys. Think back on your first cycle, did you get good advice from someone? I think we need be honest with them and give them the best advice which is beneficial to them. A first timer should definitely keep it simple, their body will react well on a simple low dose cycle and it should easy on the body. I hope I don't get flamed for this, just my opinion.

:biggthump Agreed
BUFFDAWG10 said:
Keep it simple; first cycle Test/EQ great results and not hard on the body!

Test@400-500mgs. 10-12 weeks
EQ@400mgs. 10-12 weeks

I think this is a good choice. Maybe get some arimidex in case bloat gets bad from the test. Don't forget clomid or nolvadex post cycle to help restore natural testosterone production.
thx all( bf 13%) good ideas when i learn mor ill ask more!thx again! test an eq look promising
There you go bro, a wise choice. Keep it simple, you won't be sorry. If you have any questions just post them. Good Luck!
In addition to your age, height, weight, and estimated body fat, I think it would also be helpful to know how long you've been lifting and what your current and previous workouts are/were like.

I'll second the Test Enanthate/EQ opinions, and since we're around the same age (me: 30 yo, 6'0, 230 lbs, 13% bf), I'll give you some personal experiences.

Firstly, keep in mind that everybody is different and every drug, supplement, diet, workout, etc works differently for different people.

That first cycle was straight Test Enanthate. Started off at 500 mg/week. After three-four weeks, wasn't seeing the results I wanted, so I bumped it up to 1 gram/week. BOOM! Ended up gaining 30 lbs. 10 week cycle. Kept half.
Second cycle was 1 gram Enanthate, 800 EQ/week. Pretty much same results a first cycle.
Arimidex was used during both cycles and I think it is a must in every cycle. I'm not gyno prone, but I still use it during and post cycle.

My results aren't anything special. I posted them so you could see someone else's real experience. What I did get on both cycles was very good strength gains and some decent size. No real body transformation, i.e. noticable bodyfat reduction with muscle gain. Even with the right cycle, that's a hard goal to reach.

If you really want to "drop some fat and gain mass" I think you really have to dedicate yourself to the diet and workout part.

Then again, there's the genetics factor. Me, obviously, I don't have the genetics to get lean and muscular without alot of work. Maybe you're different.

Hope this helps.

P.S. These were my first two "real" cycles. I had experimented with Deca a few years ago, but don't really count that.

My next cycle, in an attempt to get that "lean, muscular look" I mentioned will be the new classic prop and fina. I'll go low carb and start up the cardio again. If this doesn't work to get me to about 10% bf (single digit would be nicer), I don't know what will!
bf13% add the test bro!

damn bionic man your first cycle cost you 6 million$.lol
i agree with your other questions except your dosages,i know your just throwing it out there.
what do you plan for your 3rd cycle?

VegasBoy said:
bf13% add the test bro!

damn bionic man your first cycle cost you 6 million$.lol
i agree with your other questions except your dosages,i know your just throwing it out there.
what do you plan for your 3rd cycle?



Exactly like you said...I'm just throwing my experience out there. Like I said, my results weren't "great". You learn by experince what works for you. I feel that I need more than the average person...even more than the average 200-230 lb person.

In the very last part, I mentioned my next cycle (prop and fina).
VegasBoy said:
uuhh duh on my part!whats your dosages and length of your cycle gonna be?


I don't want to hijack cdog's original post, so I'll answer this one and then hopefully cdog himself, or someone else, chime in!

My prop/fina cycle will be 100mg/75mg ed, respectively, for 10-12 weeks. Maybe throw in some Winstrol (winny) halfway through.