The next AML Madness Special.......


New member
Time for round 2!! AML wants to bring you guys a brand new Madess Special. Tren and Var Madness is still in effects but whats next guys??

Lets hear you thought on what the next Madness Special should be!!!
Winter is upon us.

Perhaps just long esters. Test, Tren, Deca, Mast - Enanthate.

Maybe a few orals that would compliment. Dbol, Anadrol
Thanks for getting this started Hyp. And a good call!! Some long esters and maybe some orals to stack for a good winter bulk! I like it, and its been noted :)
Some sort of "bulk madness" thing (which I will stay away from lol). Discounts on test, dbol, anadrol and deca. Plus all orders over 300$ get a prepaid gift card for Baskin Robbins :D
Just checking, when is that new special gonna kick in? Waiting on the next purchase to see if Test and Dbol are the deal...
Just checking, when is that new special gonna kick in? Waiting on the next purchase to see if Test and Dbol are the deal...

There should be a new special coming up shortly for boxing day. I cant say what it is at this moment, but it will be a another good one for you guys!!
There should be a new special coming up shortly for boxing day. I cant say what it is at this moment, but it will be a another good one for you guys!!

Looking forward to it! Love AML products, they are the truth.

But to be honest, your most important attribute to me is your customer service, always willing to make things work for your customers. AML keeps in contact when needed, are polite, and fast!

Can't wait to hear about this sale.
I think you mean primo and sdrol :D :) :P

I gave Sdrol a little run for 4 weeks at the low end dose recommended. Was quite powerful. Strength, and Vascularity stood out among a few others. I think you will enjoy it.

I've never looked into the effects of Primobolan however.. will have to get to researching I suppose, especially since you have interest.