The Police...?


i was just chilling in my room reading some shit and i look out the window and i see 3 patrol cars posted up in my front yard.. i just received my goods 2 weeks ago but i use a PO box could they pop me after this long?
dont let anyone in without a warrant and dont admit to anything but i doubt its for you.
yes of course but i thought u couldnt get busted inless you start to sell it..? i could just bs saying its for my experiment on a rat? ive heard someone say that on here would that fly?
yes of course but i thought u couldnt get busted inless you start to sell it..? i could just bs saying its for my experiment on a rat? ive heard someone say that on here would that fly?

dont say anything except i want a lawyer. relax
yes of course but i thought u couldnt get busted inless you start to sell it..? i could just bs saying its for my experiment on a rat? ive heard someone say that on here would that fly?
As long as you're a research scientist it will fly just fine. If you're not... sorry for your luck.
You're likely being paranoid. I doubt if three squads would be dispatched for such a warrant. Nor would they camp out on your lawn and give you ample time to dump/hide whatever they came to arrest you for. If you ever do get pinched, take DAWG's advise: no warrant, no entry. Admit to nothing. Better yet, say nothing at all, aside from I would like an attorney.

You're likely being paranoid. I doubt if three squads would be dispatched for such a warrant. Nor would they camp out on your lawn and give you ample time to dump/hide whatever they came to arrest you for. If you ever do get pinched, take DAWG's advise: no warrant, no entry. Admit to nothing. Better yet, say nothing at all, aside from I would like an attorney.

And make sure you wipe your fingerprints completely off the vials.

Do you guys think he's looking for a rag right now?
Way to paranoid and people like this really shouldn't be on it just seems so juvenile to me.

We have a friend that is a fellow powerlifter that is moving to our state to work in law enforcement and is always on I have another friend that just retired from from corrections at San Quinton also a fellow powerlifter that is always on.

I know a cop that is part of a huge well known powerlifting team that is always on.

There is no way police is out looking for people on aas unless they want to take their shit to use or if your a major dealer even all the small time gym rat dealers I known never had issues with police and probably sold to a few cops.

People need to get a grip and be more paranoid about health risks rather then having doors kicked in for a few vials.

My blood pressure it much more of a concern to to be on the look out for then a cop.

Paranoid people are the worst they can get you in trouble just by the way they act it's aas not heroine for God's sakes.
its not even that, why catch the small fish and fuck up catchin the bigger ones. this is petty shit what u got like 50 dbol and 4 bottles of test...lololoolol. ive had up to 5000 dbol along with a load of other goodies and wasnt worried a bit cause thats small as well. Quit trippin.
youre paranoia is from all the weed you been smokin and theyre probably there to bust you for that.

besides if they were there to bust you they wouldnt wait long enough for you to be postin on a forum.
i was just chilling in my room reading some shit and i look out the window and i see 3 patrol cars posted up in my front yard.. i just received my goods 2 weeks ago but i use a PO box could they pop me after this long?

Have you been hitting the crack pipe?Reminds me of a cokehead I used to know before he overdosed and died.