the "proper" way to come off

big N

New member
ok since theres alot of different thoughts and opinions on how u should come off a cycle letss hear it bro ,what is the best way to come off what do u use ?i use
the lsat 3weeks during my cycle i use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 ed then when cycle is done ill hit 300 mg clomid day one and then 100 mgs for bout 40 days along with 40 mg of nolva aswell .anyone else insight im interested inseeing this .
i really haven't used anything after cycle and been pretty lucky. Only oneime i used clomid and broke out with acn all over back! So now I'll be taking a lot of Cialis to not disappoint my lady fans!
how do u keep ur gains ,anjd ur tellin me u dont crash ?its not about keepin the ladys happy ,im talkin bout holdin on to gains
big N said:
ok since theres alot of different thoughts and opinions on how u should come off a cycle letss hear it bro ,what is the best way to come off what do u use ?i use
the lsat 3weeks during my cycle i use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 ed then when cycle is done ill hit 300 mg clomid day one and then 100 mgs for bout 40 days along with 40 mg of nolva aswell .anyone else insight im interested inseeing this .

I'm with you on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , have never had bad results, but have always waited until last week of cycle to crank it, usually 1500ius/week x 2 weeks, keep gains pretty well and strength stays fairly constant. Am a fan of Nolva over Clomid but will be running both this next PCT.
big N said:
ok since theres alot of different thoughts and opinions on how u should come off a cycle letss hear it bro ,what is the best way to come off what do u use ?i use
the lsat 3weeks during my cycle i use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 ed then when cycle is done ill hit 300 mg clomid day one and then 100 mgs for bout 40 days along with 40 mg of nolva aswell .anyone else insight im interested inseeing this .

I have done a few cycles, and some with after care and some with out...i have found that by varying your training, can also help...i generally run clomid after a bulking cycle, and nolva if i feel the need...if i was on a cut cycle, i did not run anything..

i found i needed after care on a bulk maintain my strength gains..

i did however also notice without aftercare, i could maintain my weight at reps, but the max went it all depends on what you mean by gains...

i dont think if on a bulk cycle, you can go by size gains, since you will generally lose something...i have found that i have a tendency to lose some size, and seems to be just as much whether i am taking anyhting after cycle, or not...

I totlaly agree with eastarr69, you will some water weight.
Make sure you keep eating and train hard after you come off- A lot of guys just think that they could put on size in 10 weeks and then just expect to keep the gains by just going to the gym 2 times a week.
To be safe take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) & clomid
Things I use after every cycle are:
Vit B-12
Vit C

Now, how I take those things can differ depending on what my cycle looks like
bigdelt69 said:
Things I use after every cycle are:
Vit B-12
Vit C

Now, how I take those things can differ depending on what my cycle looks like

One thing i always do during and after a cycle, is tak a multivitamin tab ed...i have found it helps a bit in keeping my system in check, especially since my eating habits change and i concentrate on cleaner eating which does not mean you will get all the vitamins and minerals your body could use...i mean really, how many vitamins and minerals that your body could use are in 10 pounds of chicken breast?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does nothing to restart your HPTA. Why use it at the end? Use small doses throughout to prevent your balls from shrinking. If no shrinkage occurs, you are able to make a better transition into HPTA therapy with Clomid and/or N-dex. Remember Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is suppressive! You really dont want to take it at the end to revert atrophy because you will then have a build up of estrogen, which will hinder your recovery.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does nothing to restart your HPTA. Why use it at the end? Use small doses throughout to prevent your balls from shrinking. If no shrinkage occurs, you are able to make a better transition into HPTA therapy with Clomid and/or N-dex. Remember Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is suppressive! You really dont want to take it at the end to revert atrophy because you will then have a build up of estrogen, which will hinder your recovery.

If you are taking 500iu e4d, when would you start? First week, third week?
500ius ED for the last 2 weeks of my cycle...then 100mgs of clomid for 2 weeks with 40mgs of nolva...after that drop it to half those doses for atleast another 2 weeks
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does nothing to restart your HPTA. Why use it at the end? Use small doses throughout to prevent your balls from shrinking. If no shrinkage occurs, you are able to make a better transition into HPTA therapy with Clomid and/or N-dex. Remember Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is suppressive! You really dont want to take it at the end to revert atrophy because you will then have a build up of estrogen, which will hinder your recovery.

LS, coming off means to me all about recovery, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is part of recovery even if you take it during the cycle.
Batman said:
LS, coming off means to me all about recovery, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is part of recovery even if you take it during the cycle.

Stopping steroids is not all about recovery, as many crash if they dont use anicilleries.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) prevents or reverts testicular atrophy. Recovery is restarting one's HPTA. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will prevent this from happening. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does nothing positive for the HPTA. It will allow the testicles to respond to clomid better, as the clomid wont have to revert the atrophy. If you prevent atrophy from happening you can transition into HPTA therapy smoother.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a double edged sword so to speak. It will help recovery if taken properly, but can shoot you in the foot if you take to much for to long, or to much to close to HPTA therapy.

Your statement really goes toward the way I look at cycling. Prevention!!!! You should be thinking about recovery the whole cycle and not just at the end. We do it when we dont want gyno, why not prevent atrophy and aide the recovery process the whole cycle.

As for the other question as when to start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , I would start 5 days into the 2nd week.
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Stopping steroids is not all about recovery, as many crash if they dont use anicilleries.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) prevents or reverts testicular atrophy. Recovery is restarting one's HPTA. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will prevent this from happening. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does nothing positive for the HPTA. It will allow the testicles to respond to clomid better, as the clomid wont have to revert the atrophy. If you prevent atrophy from happening you can transition into HPTA therapy smoother.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a double edged sword so to speak. It will help recovery if taken properly, but can shoot you in the foot if you take to much for to long, or to much to close to HPTA therapy.

Your statement really goes toward the way I look at cycling. Prevention!!!! You should be thinking about recovery the whole cycle and not just at the end. We do it when we dont want gyno, why not prevent atrophy and aide the recovery process the whole cycle.

As for the other question as when to start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , I would start 5 days into the 2nd week.

I totally agree. I get mad when I hear (it happens!) people debating wether to do or not recovery after cycle. And they start talking about it... when the cycle if finished!
It's full of people taking Nolvadex during cycle, but very few considering the importance of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) .