ok since theres alot of different thoughts and opinions on how u should come off a cycle letss hear it bro ,what is the best way to come off what do u use ?i use
the lsat 3weeks during my cycle i use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 ed then when cycle is done ill hit 300 mg clomid day one and then 100 mgs for bout 40 days along with 40 mg of nolva aswell .anyone else insight im interested inseeing this .
the lsat 3weeks during my cycle i use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 ed then when cycle is done ill hit 300 mg clomid day one and then 100 mgs for bout 40 days along with 40 mg of nolva aswell .anyone else insight im interested inseeing this .