The science of esters ?


New member

I have done a lot of research, but I find I am still not getting all the info I desire. I want to completely understand how my gear works, so I need some help...

When test is still attached to its ester, is it active?
Say we are talking about Cyp, how much is active after 24- 28 hours?
Im doing a little trial run of AML, and Ive gotta say...24 hours into my second injection, Im feeling pretty awesome! I have fluffed up a bit already and feel tight ;)
Its been a week

The test starts working right away but the ester determines how fast its entering the bloodstream and how long it will take for your T levels to build up to the full amount. With cyp it would be 4-5wks. 48hrs isn't enough to "feel" anything with that. Not even really with prop.
The test starts working right away but the ester determines how fast its entering the bloodstream and how long it will take for your T levels to build up to the full amount. With cyp it would be 4-5wks. 48hrs isn't enough to "feel" anything with that. Not even really with prop.
maybe placebo affect? non the much is active a week after an injection? cuz, honestly Im feeling good, lol!
k...i need to clarify...
from what I understand is that Cyp peaks at 24 - 48 hours...what does that mean? how much us active? how does this Shit work? lol...
Man from what i understand , depending on the ester , ( saying its cyp) cyp releases testosterone from the injection site for about 2-3 weeks . They take time to fully build up in your system and feel them , Esters like Cyp and Enanthate are extremely identical and both have the same half-life of about 2-3 weeks . So this science isnt exact , but i imagine if u r injecting for exp 140mg a week (just to make the example easy ) on monday , testosterone (cyp) will be released for about 2 weeks from injecion - so kinda think like 140mg divided by 2 weeks release , means that u get about 10mg extra of test a day . Now , its obviously probably not gonna be exactly this precise but i imagine its a pretty good example to understand . So when u r injecting Mon , then Thursday , the test in your system (from mon) starts to overlap with the new test u inject thurs and overall begins to build up more in your system and become stable in your blood . Overall betwwen 4-6 weeks to realy feel it. Where say an ester like test prop hal-life is only 3-4 days , which means u have inject it much more frequently , like every other day in order to work its benefits
Fuck me! lol...i want to know about esters, lol. anyone???

The point is, it is released very slowly with the ester. It takes a number of weeks to build up fully in the system and will take at least 1-2wks to notice any side effects from it.
Man from what i understand , depending on the ester , ( saying its cyp) cyp releases testosterone from the injection site for about 2-3 weeks . They take time to fully build up in your system and feel them , Esters like Cyp and Enanthate are extremely identical and both have the same half-life of about 2-3 weeks . So this science isnt exact , but i imagine if u r injecting for exp 140mg a week (just to make the example easy ) on monday , testosterone (cyp) will be released for about 2 weeks from injecion - so kinda think like 140mg divided by 2 weeks release , means that u get about 10mg extra of test a day . Now , its obviously probably not gonna be exactly this precise but i imagine its a pretty good example to understand . So when u r injecting Mon , then Thursday , the test in your system (from mon) starts to overlap with the new test u inject thurs and overall begins to build up more in your system and become stable in your blood . Overall betwwen 4-6 weeks to realy feel it. Where say an ester like test prop hal-life is only 3-4 days , which means u have inject it much more frequently , like every other day in order to work its benefits

I second that assessment! Sustanon like blends can also be used to give you more even delivery with an early kick, can hence you might only need to pin once a week. I use cyp or enan esters and pin 2x a week. If you use prop, pin every other day, or even daily. Its that simple
Listen ALL steroids are in the blood IMMEDIATELY no matter the ester. A test Enanthate shot about half of the steroid is released in your system that very day. Then over the next 5-10 days it is slowly released the last half of the drug.

For propionate if you inject 100mg then about 40-60% is immediately in your system then over the next 2 days the remainder is cleaved off and then after 3-4 days its completely gone.

So thats why we inject 2x per week when a steroid has a 8 day halflife (enanthate/cyp) because by the time the peak wears off the ester will be releasing the rest and another injection is necessary to peak the blood level again as the longer esters accumulate.

Its hard to explain but if you took a basic chemistry class you would learn this
Instead of studying on Esters learn how often you need to inject with each ester.
Thats all you need and you will just be fine.
Dont get crazy about esters, get crazy about training, eating, and working out like a lunatic who just run away from institude