This could be bad!!


New member
I went to the doctor today and I might have a tore rotator cuff. I have to go for an Xray Friday and Ultersound September 29th. If it turns out that I did tear it, I will then need to go under the knife.

What should I do about my post cycle therapy (pct)? Right now I am on day 5 and all I can do is a couple bicep/tricep exercises, and legs. I don't want to lose my gains, but I'm affraid there isn't much I can do.
Shit Easto....that really sucks !

As far as post cycle therapy (pct), I would still run it as planned, can't hurt anything and it might help you hold on to some of your gains even though you can't work out too much.
The doctor weighed me today at 225. Hopefully I can keep as much as possible. This sort of put a nice speed bump in my plans of competing in a year. If I have to get surgery, who knows how long I'll be out.

All I can do now is hope for the best and wait.
Sorry to hear about your setback are still young !There,s plenty of time on your end to make up for it .Back off on all movements that involve shoulders as I,m sure you know .I Know from personal experience!
How much pain are you experiencing if any?
I never had to go under the knife ,I just adjusted my workouts around the injury until I was back up to speed.
I can't do any shoulder, chest, nor back exercises. My range of motion is that bad right now. If I had a digital camera, I could take some pics and show you how terrible it is.
Shit Easto that really sucks !Stay out of the gym .......look after the injury first and foremost .
pm me
That fuckin sucks bro....just wish for the best.

I would maybe go get another opinion on your shoulder form another doc.

Good luck
good luck easto

if torn,, -- it depends on how bad,regarding time off after surgery.

they went in mine this past 9/11, repaired the damage and i was in pounding weights the second week of november. not smart lol but was back at it anyway.

dont get nervous just yet bro. wait to see the MRI
house1 said:
good luck easto

if torn,, -- it depends on how bad,regarding time off after surgery.

they went in mine this past 9/11, repaired the damage and i was in pounding weights the second week of november. not smart lol but was back at it anyway.

dont get nervous just yet bro. wait to see the MRI

I don't even know if they are doing an MRI. All the doc told me is that they are doing an Xray and Ultrasound.
i feel an xray will show shit bro

i had an xray done the day i got hurt! showed nothing. i knew something was wrong so they set me up for a MRI and that showed the tear. the surgery sucks bro, if you can avoid it do so .

i feel it did shit for me
Easto said:
Did you ask for an MRI?

Easto i am pretty sure an MRI is the only way to tell for sure what is wrong with the rotator cuff, i could be wrong though. I have never heard of anyone getting an xray for a cuff problem.
Easto sorry to hear about your incident bro.

If push comes to shove get you some Anavar and run it at a low dose, couldn't hurt!:)
Don't go under the knife. The surgery can be complicated and I've been told not to do it. It will eventually heal itself. Shoulder Surgery SUCKS!!!!!
Right now I am going to the Fowler Kennedy Clinic of Sprots Medicine at school here. I have another Xray and Ultrasound appt, so I let you guys know how that goes. I'm also going to physio which starts at 12:30 today and I am hoping I can be back to 100% pretty soon. It's pretty tough not being able to hit the weights hard anymore. I have already dropped 10lbs :(