this is me befor steroids and current 22dec2009!!

I really can't tell much difference, jk. I would imagine you got some people noticing a bit of a change. Good work mayne.

Please dont take this the wrong way, but I gotta ask......did you even workout before this cycle, because in the "before" pic it sure doesn't look like it?

IMO that would explain the 30 lb weight gain as you were so far below your genetic potential, you most likely could have made some great gain naturally.

It is still a big improvement, hope you can keep the weight on, but it is going to take quite a bit of dedication through diet and training.
Please dont take this the wrong way, but I gotta ask......did you even workout before this cycle, because in the "before" pic it sure doesn't look like it?

IMO that would explain the 30 lb weight gain as you were so far below your genetic potential, you most likely could have made some great gain naturally.

It is still a big improvement, hope you can keep the weight on, but it is going to take quite a bit of dedication through diet and training.

That's a great point and leads me to what I think is one of the bigger untruths amongst some users: those who say AAS aren't shortcuts. While they shouldn't be, I know plenty of genetically gifted but lazy jackasses who don't know how to lift, don't try to learn about the science behind muscle, don't care about technique, lift like crap, eat like crap, drink like a fish AND make themselves look tremendous when on cycle.

I DO NOT view AAS as a shortcut and each day I learn more and more about their place in helping me lead a better life. But for plenty who don't want to put in the work and dedication, AAS absolutely can be a short-term shortcut.
Wow, I'm glad StoneCold chimed in before I had to be the fucking dick of the thread....

**asshole mode engaged**

But in my honest opinion, you could have gotten those results AAS free with some serious dedication and disciplined nutrition.

I know everyone has different genetic potential, but your before and after isnt that dramatic IMO. If you didnt say you were juicing I wouldnt have guessed it, especially the amount and type of gear that you ran.

My opinion, put the gear down. Eat everything in sight while also taking in the necessary whole foods and LIFT YOUR ASS OFF OLD SCHOOL STYLE (no goddammed machines-just basic heavy compound movements with ice cold iron). You'll get the same results or similar without the high cost to both your wallet and potentially your health.

But, if you keep going, you should look pretty amazing by your next cycle or two for the minimal effort you seemed to have put in.

**asshole mode disengaged***
guys i appeciate ur honest OPINIONS but, im not gonna sit a write a book explaining myself being that i dont need to. I am well educated on proper technique, dieting and training dedication and this was no short cut ive used in the past with great results but afterwords was where i failed and quit lifting because of the anxiety depression with no post cycle therapy (pct). if u didnt notice i started lifting again in july like i said, built a fairly good foundation and then researched what was best for me, and started in nov. Ive took this very serious ive quit drinking and smoking havnt touched nething for 3 months. VERY dedicated. whether or not i used these to early im still gonna be a monster in the end because im motivated and knolegeble on how to become a monster. thank u for ur gesters, no offence taken because there is a steryotype with every new aas user.:) but im not in that catagory.
Ok. Well, I wasnt aware of your experience level. However, if you had a solid base AAS free, you could have stopped lifting for quite some time and rebound back nicely. If you get to monster status on the juice, you are going to have to stay on to stay monster. Once you stop, its back to sticksville.

I worked out dedicated AAS free for a long time and made great strides with my genetic potential. Then I stopped working out for 10 years and still was more yoked than people actively lifting. No depression or lreal loss of gains due to no post cycle therapy (pct). I since started working out again the muscle memory came back nicely. In six months of lifting after a 10 year layoff, Im almost right back to where I was when I stopped. I have a solid base to grow from with AAS.

Im really not trying to be a dick. I just potentially see you right back at square one in the future because you dont have the basic framework in place.

Ah well, mayne... Do what youre going to do. Im not trying to preach, just really trying to help. Be safe.
o im not quiting i still have the legal supps to take once off cycle im kinda thinkin that im gonna stay on test year round, still reaseaching on it but not sure yet i know i will have to stay on it if i decide to, because it fucks ur natty test all up, dude i was so fucked up on drugs back in the day when i first used aas and was not mentally trained to continue lifting. now my mind is clear, drug free and is set on one thing. but what u know about people stayin on test year round, my bro has been doing it inch 6 years and hes fuckin 5 10 265 benchin like 500 somethin pounds, dude has 24 arms. he said i could do it but health wise he really dont care about, whats ur opinion.
Nice work but you could of gained the same amount on a year of eating heavy and some hard lifting..Not for anything but I gained way more on my first cycle..
well he says he was on drugs.....sounds like he went from one crutch to the other.....the latter being much more beneficial.
Nice work but you could of gained the same amount on a year of eating heavy and some hard lifting..Not for anything but I gained way more on my first cycle..

yea i also gained alot more but on my1st cycle right now with this npp i feel im holdin lil 2no water my last one was nothin but water and by the way i still have 7 weeks on cycle still have a good amount of gains left n me
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