THIS ONE IS FOR THE VETS - primo/winny/trem/proviron/test prop left over


New member
lets say someone I know very well had:

10 bottles of quality primo 100/mg 10/ml
100 50 mg original british dragon winny pills
3 bottles of sciroxx (purchased a year all good) tren ace 100/mg 10/ml
3 bottles of sciroxx tren enan 200/mg 10/ml
10 bottles of dragon pharma test prop 100/mg 10/ml
several pouches of proviron 25/mg
several pouches of aromison 12.5/mg AND 12.5/mg

i am not a newbie anymore and have combined most of these substances before except for primo...this is my first experience with this godly compound and i plan to run it at AT LEAST 800/mg week. but besides that very limited info...i am assuming I could throw together a pretty stout cycle with this left over gear (for my buddy, that is)...what do you guys should I advise him to run it for best results? Or maybe I should ask...what would YOU do? granted, he doesn't need to use it all in one go...he could run one cycle...recover and run another one. I just want to hear from the guys that breath this shiz...what THEY WOULD DO.. i AM HOPING TO GET SOME PEOPLE EXCITED AND EVEN GET SOME DEBATES GOING WITH THIS ONE.


p.s. - I need all the help I can get in regards to pct.
Ok, but what kind of testosto would you like to run with it, blend or single, and the concentration of test/ml too.
What's your goal for this cycle?
With tren, winny, and primo I'm guessing your looking to get dense, hard, grainy and lean muscle , not a traditional bulk??
You'll need to get in the single digit bf % towards the end of the cycle to really notice the results of these compounds IMO .. Running a longer cycle, like 20 weeks, with the primo being able to help you maintain mass at the tail end of your cycle if you need to restrict calories and cut would prob be best
It's a bit weird posting up all your gear and then wanting us to do the work for u. Instead what u should do is research yourself and post a cycle layout of your own.
it is dragon pharma test prop...100mg/ml. don't want to make a monstrous test cycle...just want to use test as the foundation to not have libido loss and to counter natural test shutting down.
lets say someone I know very well had:

10 bottles of quality primo 100/mg 10/ml
100 50 mg original british dragon winny pills
3 bottles of sciroxx (purchased a year all good) tren ace 100/mg 10/ml
3 bottles of sciroxx tren enan 200/mg 10/ml
10 bottles of dragon pharma test prop 100/mg 10/ml
several pouches of proviron 25/mg
several pouches of aromison 12.5/mg AND 12.5/mg

i am not a newbie anymore and have combined most of these substances before except for primo...this is my first experience with this godly compound and i plan to run it at AT LEAST 800/mg week. but besides that very limited info...i am assuming I could throw together a pretty stout cycle with this left over gear (for my buddy, that is)...what do you guys should I advise him to run it for best results? Or maybe I should ask...what would YOU do? granted, he doesn't need to use it all in one go...he could run one cycle...recover and run another one. I just want to hear from the guys that breath this shiz...what THEY WOULD DO.. i AM HOPING TO GET SOME PEOPLE EXCITED AND EVEN GET SOME DEBATES GOING WITH THIS ONE.


p.s. - I need all the help I can get in regards to pct.

As a 25 year gym guy, and a lot of gear over the years, drop the winny, unless right before a competition, otherwise, drop it. I'll leave the rest to the boys that like to calculate cycles. good luck. :)