thoughts on mixing Peptides with Steroids


New member
I have got my hands on the following:

Testosterone ethanate
Cjc-1295 w/o DAC

What are your thoughts on running these peptides and then using test? I only run Test only cycles on the oil side of things but have used Tbol, and Dbol.

Thoughts on making a cycle with these compounds. Obviously some are long term so I would start those before running test and then run test and hexarelin mid cycle?
Totally fine, should compliment your AAS cycle well.

Quick question; which country do you reside in? And do you have any prior experience with follistatin?
I live in Aus, and have no prior experience with follistatin

Nice, I'm also from Aus. I only asked because I know U.S government majorly cracking down on folli. I recently found a source for folli myself (domestic) so was just curious. If you end up running it let me know how it goes, would like to see how effective it is. Anecdotally it appears to be off the charts lol.
peps were useless for me. Tried so many brands, spent enough to by a ton of test and really got nowhere. I wish I were not a non-responder but thats just the way it is