Thoughts on what my guy gave me

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So I bought some pills. The guy gave them to me in plastic bags. The pills are capsules btw. I saw an immediate red flag when I saw "kre-alkalyn" on the side of the purple capsules he gave me. I asked him about it and the dude said "I packed it in those pills so if I get caught selling they would think its creatine." He also gave me another bag of capsules which were clear with white powder. He told me to take two of the purple ones before I worked out and then when I ran out of the purple ones to take the clear ones with white powder after I work out. I'm guessing I got ripped the fuck off. I've been taking these and the only thing i really notice is that I'm a lot more aggressive. I have a friend that bought from the same guy and has the same stuff I have and he told me that he got stronger while taking them. It is only my fourth day taking them, but I just wanted to share this with you guys to see what ur thought are. My thoughts are definitly that i got ripped off.
ok so it says you bought "some pills" from this guy. What kind of pills are they supposed to be??? Just asking cause I see so many dudes on here like I'm running d bol only cycles***128514;. I don't fuck with Orals period! Just wondering what kind of "powder" he could have filled them with?!
Well, oral only cycles are for women only so if your running just "pills" alone you already screwed up there. I would suggest throwing them out and not taking things you have no idea what they could be. I would say that guy screwed you, but you screwed yourself. With a little education, you would know better then to take just "pills" for a cycle...
So I bought some pills. The guy gave them to me in plastic bags.

your biggest mistake started in your first sentence . what the hell do you need 'pills' for, and why buy them off the street from a random guy lol.

testosterone comes in a vial, you need syringes and needles, and its easily obtained from a reputable source online. what are you like 12 years old, buying pills off the street?
Must be a troll. Who buys "pills"? Lmfao, you should at least know what he's pretending to sell you(winny, dbol, etc)

Also, aggression and getting stronger can be 100% placebo. Happens all the time with people. I.E. " i took my first shot of test and felt like god" This is very common.
You don't need 2 threads to ask the same question. Throw that shit away, punch yourself in the face for being stupid then research a proper cycle.

Just so you know, the matrix is a fictional movie. Anyone who offers you 2 colored pills to change your life is an idiot.
You are a troll...Yeas , or you are a VERY STUPID PERSON. Who in their right mind would purchase these and like this and buy into some bullshit excuse as to why they are in those caps..

NO I gotta jump back here and say you are a TROLL. The Q's ??? What do you think my guy gave me??? NOw how the Fvck would any of us know even if in our hands. :flame: :liar: :shoot7:
Sounds like your friend ain't your friend. He told you he was taking stuff and it was working for him and then leads you to this guy who sells you creatine.... then him and your friend split the money they just took from you...classic,classic sucker move. You got stung!
Poor bastard!
Hopefully IF you ever come back here you will know what NOT to say in starting a thread!
thread closed, dont start 2 threads with same topic. and read the board rules very carfully.
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