Time for an old dude to step it up

I always needed my stomach to be quite satisfied prior to my training especially on leg day .... just me !!

But yea , don't really go after a BIG dinner. Man ya know there are just some basic suggestions but it is what it is on any one given day.

Well for me anyway. Good work though man !!

Shit man how do I loose 25 years off this body :insane:
:) OMM
Bicep focus day

10 min cardio
Db curls: 20x8, 25x8, 30x8, 35x8, 40x4
Oly bent rows: 95x8/8/8, 115x8/6/6
Db shrug: 80x8, 90x8, 100x6, 80x8, 70x12
Oly bar curl: 45x8, 65x8/6/6, 55x8/8
Ez bar preachers: 45x8, 65x8/8, 75x6/8/4

Weight 223, cals 4530, carbs 44, fat 31, protein 25(248g)

Plus a wifee cardio schedule like I***8217;ve never experienced. No wonder 4500 cals gained me no weight!
I feel like a real dude! Did chest the same day as Push :-) lol!

10 min cardio
Db bench: 50sX10, 60x10, 70x8, 80x8, 70x10 - pecs on fire!
Incline db: 30sX8, 40x8, 35x10/10 - lil shoulder pain. Again.
Decline bench: 45x8, 95x10/10, 115x8/10 - never done these before. Shakey
V bar cable tri: slow: 100x12, 120x10, 140x10, 150x8, 160x8
Pec deck: 120x10, 140x8/8, 160x8/8

I think this was my best chest workout ever. At some points the burn was really intense.

Weight 225, cals 4750, carbs 40, fat 33, protein 27(246g)
Wayyyy too much Christmas goodies. Apple pie, roca, cookies, sheet cake, cool whip.
God I love holiday bulking! Hahaha
Hey DUDE... Isn't the pump and tightness when you've just been to the gym feel great. :elephant:

Man a I applaud you on this log you are doing . very cool and we / me like it even if I don't say much :beertoast

Thanx Mike. I often feel like a nu-b at the gym hauling around my pen n log sheet but. Have really poor memory and its become my pace setter. Crank out a set, catch my breath while I write down notes, crank another set!

I know these logs just go on and on... more sets... more reps... more cals... not all that interesting but I think logs like mine n Pushes let folks know how long this journey can be. 15 pages for me n Im not all that big yet although my body shape has changed tons.

Afa the pec pump: this is something new for me. Ive had bicep pump (obviously) but this is something entirely different! Different muscle type, different feel. Kind of a lactic burn meets pump meets ache. Im sure whoever is watching the security cams is lol as I grrrr, stomping around, pounding my chest like a great ape, trying to ride out the pain! Yeow!
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Thanx Mike. I often feel like a nu-b at the gym hauling around my pen n log sheet but. Have really poor memory and its become my pace setter. Crank out a set, catch my breath while I write down notes, crank another set!

I know these logs just go on and on... more sets... more reps... more cals... not all that interesting but I think logs like mine n Pushes let folks know how long this journey can be. 15 pages for me n Im not all that big yet although my body shape has changed tons.

Afa the pec pump: this is something new for me. Ive had bicep pump (obviously) but this is something entirely different! Different muscle type, different feel. Kind of a lactic burn meets pump meets ache. Im sure whoever is watching the security cams is lol as I grrrr, stomping around, pounding my chest like a great ape, trying to ride out the pain! Yeow!

LOL , OMG IMFAO .... ah haaa ! :laugh: :laugh:

I can imagine I am LMFAO....

BUt it's sooo good ,,, ah ha ha haaa :laugh3: :dance2:

10 min cardio
Plated squat press: 200x8, 380x8, 560x4, 470x6/6/8
Weighted calf raises: 100x15/15/15, 120x12/12 with a hold
Leg extensions: 120x12, 160x12, 200x12/12/12/12
Laying leg curl: 80x12/12, 100x12/12, 120x10/8

Weight 228, cals 3740, carbs 34, fat 27, protein 39(321g)
Crappy stomach day. Feeling really dehydrated. Back focus

10 min cardio
Chainsaws: 60x12, 80x10/10, 100x8/8, 80x12
Db shrug: 70x12, 80x12/10/8, 70x10/10
Narrow cable rows: 120x12, 150x8/8/6
Wide cable lat: 100x12, 150x8/6, 120x8 slow, 100x6 real slow

That last set made me nauseous :-o

Weight 230.5 - guess the Dbol kicked. Yeah water weight!
Cals 3955, carbs 41, fat 32, protein 27(266g)
10 min cardio
Smith: 135x8, 205x8, 225x5, 245x6 cheaters, 245x4, 265x3
Db standing military: 30sX12, 35x10, 40x10, 45x10, 50x8
Db Pullover: 60x10, 70x10, 80x8, 90x5, 70x12
V bar cable tri: 120x12 slow, 140x10 slow, 160x8/8/8

Weight 229, cals 3525, carbs 39, fat 33, protein 28(243g)

Stopped the Dbol. I suspect its causing my stomach/exhaust problems. Between the single digit temps outside and sitting on the can 4 times a day its no wonder I feel dehydrated!

.... so its time to jump to my LGD blog! :-)
Short legs today

10 min cardio
Plated squat press: 200x8, 380x8, 650x1, 560x4, 470x7
Leg extensions: 120x8, 160x10, 200x8, 220x10/10
Seated leg curl: 100x10, 120x8, 140x8, 160x6/6

Weight 226.5, cals 3600, carbs 28, fat 29, protein 43(417g) lol! Nothing like a consistent diet haha!!!
I am baaaack! (From the LGD blog)

My 500 test/ 600 equipoise bulk made me bigger, vascular, fatter and grouchy, so time to go the other direction!

Transitioning to 440 test/ 300 tren/ 600 mast

This is my 1st triple oil stack. Gonna be one hell of a wild ride!

.... and kids, dont try this at home ;-)

I will ease up on the anastrazole a bit from dosing needed on the last blast but add a bit of caber as insurance. Gyno prone. All oils are long ester but I am pinning every 3 days to keep the total volume down. 3mls/pin is tough for me to handle :-o
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3 ml/pin..glutes, quads and lats for me...That's a big volume shot for sure homie!!
Good Luck with your proposed blast...let us know how she goes!
Never tried lats and always have trouble reaching my left glute cuz I get a cramp in my abs. I do the v-glutes quite a bit. Good spot that.

This schedule is about 2.5mls so no probs there.

Im intrigued by the theory of running much lower AI than I normally would and adding something like caber, which I will anyway to stave off gyno. Let that E2 rise some to maximize muscle growth. I am perpetually frustrated by my progress. I dont think that is a bad thing cuz it pushes me to work harder; to always be looking for the edge. I love the look right after a strong workout. All pumped n full. Of course that shiz dont last! Take a couple days off and poof, its gone! (Mostly) ;-) I understand the reality of growing muscle. I get it. Never hurts to want more tho, right? Lol!
I love the look right after a strong workout. All pumped n full. Of course that shiz dont last! Take a couple days off and poof, its gone! (Mostly) ;-)

I always take photos straight after training for that reason lol!
But i prefer morning pictures cuz my abs looks so amazing but directly after breakfast its "meeh" again.
10 min cardio
Plated squat press: 200x12, 290x12, 380x8, 470x8, 560x8 short, 650x6 short
Leg extensions: 120x15, 160x12, 200x10, 220x12/12
Seated leg curl: 60x15, 80x15, 100x10, 120x12, 140x8
Weighted calf raises: 85x15, 100x15/15/12/12

Hobble out of gym :-p
Couple days off. Family. Life. Yeah.

Gig this weekend! We got moved to the headliner!! Woohoo!!!!

10 min cardio
Ez bar preachers: 45x12, 65x12, 85x10, 95x5/5
Cable rope curls: 80x12, 100x10, 120x6/6- bar 120x6, 100x10/8
One arm seated db: 20x12, 30x5, 20x8, 17.5x10, 17.5x15 fast
Chainsaws: 100x8/6, 80x8/8, 70x8 slow
Oly bar shrugs: 135x12, 225x6 - Ouch. Back. Done.

Tren cough- check
Night sweats- check

Weight loss- not yet. Tough to turn down the cals after the holiday bulk! ;-)