Tips to get to sleep/ natural sleep remedies?

Hi Tony,
Here are some effective tips for better sleep. Create your sleep schedule and avoid taking naps in day timing and oversleeping. Exercise daily and early morning as it will lead to better sleep. Don't eat shortly before going to bed and avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine.
Make tea out of Tyme and drink it just before you sleep, it is also great for headaches. I didn't believe it until I tried it myself, it works! mix it with honey
A consistent bed time works the best for me... Melatonin helps but you need at least 8 hrs for that to not make you feel groggy. Reading a book and getting away from the tv and computer are the best ways to get a good nights sleep.
All these sleep remedies are natural and very useful so thank you everyone for sharing. In my opinion it is good to do exercise daily and drink milk before sleeping. It will help in sleep.
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Don't use your bed excessively for activities you would/ should/ could do elsewhere- watching tv, laptop use, work, it will arguably keep brain activity high thus decreasing its ability to shit off for sleep. It can also give your sleep life negative connotations, going to bed is not something you look forward. Additionally, recently I read that if you wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep- get up and do read in another room, until you feel tired and then return to bed- again it is supposed to remove any potential negative associations with your bed/ sleeping.
Get off the computer 30-60 minutes before you go to bed. The flicker of the screen will strain your eyes and brain and make it harder to fall asleep.
Don't do anything in your bed besides sleeping, sex, and reading before bed. Subconscious needs to associate bed with sleep.
Eating some cheese before bed can help you fall and stay asleep. I go for a couple of the mini babybel cheese wheels.
Personally I read a chapter on my kindle paperwhite in bed and it helps to wind down and fall asleep.