Tis the season, to remember others.

Zero V

Prodigal son
I know we all get caught up, stressed out, so on and so forth. But remember that most of us, even in our worst of times are doing way better than a large portion of the world.

Remember this season to take notice if any of your neighbors seem to be doing without. Drop a few bucks in the ringers bucket at Walmart. If there is an old widow in your neighborhood, cook her dinner and offer to talk with them. If you know of some kids who may not get Christmas, maybe pick up one or two extra gifts for them. Maybe grab some groceries for that family in which the father just lost his job.

Edify those around you, and lift up those who have fallen on hard times.

Someday, someday it would be amazing if photos like the one below are the past. And there are no children starving in the world. Its not beyond us, it isn't.

We celebrate Christmas not for presents, but in remembrance. Even if you do not walk my faith, you can't deny the values we are supposed to show during the season, and to be honest year round.

This picture is a real eye opener Zero,

It's easy to get caught up in the christmas hype, we've all seen the commercials
"Don’t let YOUR children miss out! Get them . . . . . . this year"
When you see advertising telling you that if you truly love someone you will spend hundreds of dollars on them, u even feel guilty if u don't buy them all these things.

I think helping others in need during this time or any other time it's way more rewarding than receiving the greatest gift.
It's important to teach the kids this too, P & I buy the kids 1 gift each, yes, they get plenty from family members thou..lol
We teach them that for every toy they get from "Santa" they need to donate a toy to a needy child.. I love it when they come on to me wanting to help others.

I think one of the best qualities one can have is being compassionate and giving.

Nice post Zero.
america is a nation of excess. christmas is just one example . there are people who spend so much on a wedding they are making payments on it for 5 years after their divorce , thats insane . imo the only bigger waste / fraud of money is funerals , the funeral directors shame the grieving families into spending thousands of dollars for what is essentially nothing but a box to bury.

as a ntion we have so much and the sad part is most of us dont even appreciate it.
What we do in this life we either pay for here or in the next one!

Damn funeral directors are true vultures, ever notice they even look like vultures?

Thank you for the wake up call ZeroV!
What we do in this life we either pay for here or in the next one!

Damn funeral directors are true vultures, ever notice they even look like vultures?

Thank you for the wake up call ZeroV!

^^^^ I agree Zeek
Nice post Zero.

btw (Hate funeral directors, & yes, they do look like vultures)