To Augment, Or Not To Augment...


New member
Anyone here done a breast augmentation? I've been thinking about. I'm not happy with the size presently, not because of gear, but being fit and lean doesn't really make you bust out at the seams! I've thought about it, but I'm curious to know if anyone with a lifting dedication has done it. I always ask docs about working out and they say "oh, for what you lift you should be fine." Yeah... what I lift is that doc x 1.5.
Lifting will not impact your breast size except to build up the tone of chest muscle tissue under them. The breasts consist of fat, fibrous, and glandular tissue. There is no muscle inside them. Using gear and working out aggressively will have the global effect of decreasing bodyfat everywhere---including the breasts. The more fat you lose the more they may decrease in size, and this is exacerbated by the more and the stronger the gear you use. If you want nice bouncy boobs go ahead and do the augmentation. Just search out a surgeon who has a track record of natural looking results.