To luciasbrown on fat embolism

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Certified MD.
I just now caught up with the thread on aspirating, oils in the vein etc. I was more than a bit taken aback. Why you felt compelled to resort to ad hominim attacks and questions about my medical training is a mystery to me, but so be it.

I read the two abstracts you posted, and it seems to me they only support my contention. It also makes me wonder how carefully you read these reports; they certainly do not support your point of view.
The first one actually equates vegetable ("neutral") oil injection with pulmonary fat embolus, and describes the pathologic changes. Your contention that my equation of the two is a "stretch", seems to be inaccurate; in fact, it seems to be the opinion of these researchers that the two are one in the same.

The second abstract describes a case of pulmonary oil embolism with peanut oil (a commonly used Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) carrier). These researchers ALSO equate injection of these "neutral" oils with pulmonary fat embolus. You point out that the patient received 20cc's of oil and still lived. What you failed to note is that this amount was infused over 24 hours! If 20cc's over 24 hours can cause this degree of pulmonary damage, then imagine what 2 or 3cc's over 30 seconds might do. It seems as though you did my literature search for me.

This is not an attack on you, the person. It is an attempt to again point out the potential damage that may occur via the inadvertant IV injection of oil-based Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (peanut, sesame, cottonseed oils and the like are NOT benign in the pulmonary vasculature, as your abstracts indicated).

Why is there a dearth of reports in the literature regarding Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) related pulmonary morbidity? One explanation may be this:
First, because of the stigma associated with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use, and, in the last decade, its illegality, many of these patients never seek assistance, and either die, or recover with (hopefully) minimal damage.
Second, of the ones that DO arrive in the emergency department, very few are likely to be honest regarding the source of their distress. They may be diagnosed as ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) of unknown etiology, or if the syndrome is milder, be treated with antibiotics as a pneumonia, or a pneumonitis of unknown etiology. They may be hospitalized or sent home, with the physicians none the wiser.

To the other members: Intravenous injection of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) oils CAN cause significant morbidity or mortality. I stand by this statement. Hopefully, we don't have to see "case reports" in the literature to know this is true. ALWAYS ASPIRATE, and DO have a level of concern about this possible complication of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use.
we all know buffdoc only plays a doctor on everyones favorite soap opera....the young and the restless.
I, respectfully, think you have no idea what you are talking about. If you can quote the literature, or at least find a cardilogist or a pulmonoligist to explain this to you then fine. Just back up your statements with evidence based medicine, then we will all be enlightened. Until you do, I will just apologize more for my harsh statements, they were unprofessional and not helpful to any of our intents. I still feel Im correct on this issue, but am tempted to delete my posts b/c I too belieive in aspirating and may encourage inappropiate injectionsl. I leave this up to you, you can delete my posts. At the end I beleive I am correct on this point. SO there it is, if you delete my posts, then just PM with the cases.
luciasbrown said:
I, respectfully, think you have no idea what you are talking about. If you can quote the literature, or at least find a cardilogist or a pulmonoligist to explain this to you then fine. Just back up your statements with evidence based medicine, then we will all be enlightened. Until you do, I will just apologize more for my harsh statements, they were unprofessional and not helpful to any of our intents. I still feel Im correct on this issue, but am tempted to delete my posts b/c I too belieive in aspirating and may encourage inappropiate injectionsl. I leave this up to you, you can delete my posts. At the end I beleive I am correct on this point. SO there it is, if you delete my posts, then just PM with the cases.

I spent a good deal of time typing up my rationale, and explaining the flaws in your arguments, and pointing out the support for my POV found in "YOUR" abstracts.
If your response to this is simply "you don't know what you're talking about", then we are obviously not on the same playing field, and we have nothing further to discuss.
I appreciate your response and acknowledge that you are a helpful person to many people. I also acknowledges that I am arguing a losing side because I do advocate aspiration, my whole point was that the idea of people having to call911 b/c of their anxiety was unnecessar b/c it is a 1/1,000,000 event. For a newbie to sit by the phone waiting to get short of breath seems wreckless to suggest this. The idea of aspiration will prevent an oil embolism is also wreckless, IMO, b/c this in your opinion will occur at the same percentage, they will get the syndrome at the same rate no matter what. With ot without aspiration. My point is that youre argument points to randomness rather than prevention. SO no point either way. I dont usually enage in this so I prefer that we either lock the threads or delete them, Id rather just relax on these points, B?C I think this debate is ruining this. So at the end I concede that youre point is more prudent, and I apologize for the harsh attacks before I edited them, fair enough. PM with studies, but I am on call right now, so you know. Peace out and lock the thread so I dont have to respond anymore.
No offense to either of you because it's evident that you are both intelligent individuals, but you guys are starting to sound like we're hotshot residents in grand rounds presenting a complex new surgical case approach or something. We're not; the bottom line is clear: aspirate.

I know I even questioned aspirating at one time... well just glutes due to the lack of vasculature in the region, but whenever I read a thread about a kid coughing his ass off and being scared as heck I know why that was dumb to even consider being lazy.

I'm definetly not taking sides here, but I don't think it is ever wrong to call an ambulance if the coughing fit did not quickly subside. However, I think it is true that they are certainly not cheap, and that if you were going to die from the PE, you probably would have by the time they arrived.

Regardless, I think locking this thread already and just having it be known that always aspirating every shot is the way to go. It is not real smart to use the limited time that bright guys like you two spend here on stuff like this topic... JMO.
Lucious, I have to give you credit for your recent posts on this subject. I think your point is made. Most importantly, I'm glad there is no dispute about the importance of aspirating.
THANKS GUYS, I look forward to helping post more meaningful and helpful posts. I agree completely with feli fly and Trev dog. I wasnt a usual poster on this board, so I was somewhat distracted by the posts. My whole intent was to lower anxiety levels of newbies. To buff doc. I apologize. We are basically going to agree 98% of the time, and I think that you were more of an ace on this one. So please let us stop the argument. Even though I am definetly righ....LOL. No more please. LOCK this.
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