to those using insulin


Pro Bodybuilder
although i've yet to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) i've been using slin off and on since '99. one thing i cant stress enough is to always start out at a low dosage, especialy if you are using humalog.
what im getting at here is even though you worked your way up to 10-20 iu's at the end of your last cycle, when you go back on start out at 4. After a rough break up and working 60 hours a week and going to school full time my training and dieting has slipped in the pst month. im now at my lowest weight since wrestling season in high school 3 years ago. i have gone from + or - 195 to 175. all muscle loss. I cant believe all the hard work i put in disapeered so fast.
Anyways back to the point, i jsut started getting back into the game again and shot some slin last night for the first time in over 3 months.
being stupid and impatient i ignored my own advise and shot 8 iu's. now i've done well over twice this before with no probs even with low carbs. but after this shot i got a good feeling of what hypoglycemia is all about. this is even after taking 100 grams of dextrose psot shot. i was at work, unloading a trailor, another big mistake as my job is rather physicaly demanding. about 45 minutes post shot i started getting light headed and my heart started racing. I've felt this before as i have intentionaly delayed my carb intake to get a feel for the warning signs of hypo but this time it was much more serious. i was getting worried, all alone in the back room, trying to get my job done and going deeper and deeper into hypo. i started drinking a coke, wich did nothing at first. so i grabbed another i started feeling beter but not thinking clearly. i was getting extremely tired and very hungry. i grabbed two snickers bars and finaly started feeling better.
after all of this i was confused as to why it took so many carbs to get back to normal then it hit me, i did not have another carb meal an hour psot shot. i had also eaten very little all day before the shot.
combine this with a relatively high dose for the first shot of a cycle and its was a recipe for disaster. luckely i work in a grocery store and food was readily available, and i had the knowledge to understand what was happening.
so too sum up this lenghty post dont start a cycle of humalog at over 4 iu's. i firmly believe you build up a tolerance and you need to start light.
funny thing is ive given this advise many times and broke it myself in a hurry to make up lost gains
if you dont remeber too long ago, i posted about a similar experince, but mine was a 4 day lapse in an insulin cycle becuase of the stomach flu, and i got hypo off of 12 ius. I was sweating dizzy, very disoriented for about 10 minutes.
na, i dont remember, but on a possitive note i have the best pumps ever from lsat night and todays shot, wich i did 6 iu's post workout. just flexing any muscle causes an almsot painful but plessent full feeling. my muscles have never felt this hard before. i think i'll make up those lost gains very quickly, expecialy with my new motivation to make my ex's jaw drop in the spring wen im wearing a tee post workout on campus.
im not sure if your aware of this, but Nandi brought to my attention on how they sometimes meanly put someone into insulin induced hypo, in order to get a GH output measurement in clinical studies. He is a firm beliver in this, and uses insulin to get a hypo induced GH release after every workout. I tried it for a bit, but it was this summer, and i could not deal with the heat and hypo.
was not aware of that at all, but very interesting. do you have any idea of the extend of gh release casued by this?
ill dig up some posts at CEM, or register over there and do a search, theyve discussed it on numerous threads
now im gonna be up all night looking into this. another funny thing about slin with me is fat loss. i dont gain any fat while on slin, i actualy lean up slightly. maybe the gh is why. or maybe its because i eat clean post shot instead of the usual see food aproach. but considering how much i was eating a day at the time it couldnt have made that much of a difference. how far into hypo would one have to go to get this release, as i usualy work my carbs down as i cycle it and increase my dosage to were i feel very slight signs of hypo after every shot, but nothing after the one hour post meal.
yep CEM is cutting edge muscle. I did a search on "insulin and release" GH is not short to do a search on over there.