To Tren or not to Tren

Tren is fine at 400 mg week. I have ran Tren Ace at 750mg week and it Turned me into the Tazmanian Devil. No one wanted to be around me.
What sides have you guys seen? I have never had any of the "Side effects" associated with performance enhancers, Literally not one. What should my first cycle look like, should I take "baby steps" with the Tren?

if I hadn't stopped the trene I was using, I am 100% sure I would be getting a divorce right now. man what a prick I was/
I only finished it ten days ago and I already feel better and I think I might be a little bit nicer, not sure
I'm using tren ace at 350mg per week and have not had any major issues with it yet. Night sweats and lack of cardio has been the worst of it. Also my piss has been straight yellow a lot. Trying to drink more water. I expected to have a lot more issues with it but overall I've been just fine.