tom platz

joshisripped said:
holy fuck!

I've never seen quads that big. Anyone here suspect a synthol user???

No such thing as synthol back then my friend, just hard hard work. The average trainer couldnt live with platz in the gym for 5 minutes.
Few pics :



XxIcEMaNxX said:
Not really a fan of his upper body, I don't know why, it just looks weird, but those legs are amazing.

Yeah, his chest wasn't very big or developed. His legs also made his physique look totally inproportional. I saw a pic of him recently the other day and his legs are still totally unbeleivable. The Golden Eagle was one the best. If he could have done somehting with that chest, he would have definitely been a force to compete with.
who cares if his upper body isnt so magnificent.hes the only bb whos ever had freakin huge legs with killer striations