Why are you guys falling for this? Look at his time line of posts. Day one he advertises his ridiculous cycle. One day, maybe two he says he started it anyway and is feeling the pump. The very next day he has bloating and gyno already?
I don't have gyno friend. My face is a bit puffy. I'll ride it out just delete this thread mods. No one is sending me a PM anyways. I didn't even bloat next day I am on day 5 already the DECA has not kicked in yet genius
Because the kid is such a smart ass punk (that I'd bitch slap so hard, he'd piss his pants, run home crying to mommy, and immediately revert back to breast feeding again).. That some of us are probably hoping he's not a troll, and he's gonna learn the hard way.
But you make a good point
Why are you guys falling for this? Look at his time line of posts. Day one he advertises his ridiculous cycle. One day, maybe two he says he started it anyway and is feeling the pump. The very next day he has bloating and gyno already?
In middle school, some kid started eating dbol like crazy. He did blow up. He got acne real bad, had to get his tittys cut, and the cheerleaders spread rumors about lil limpy lol
You guys won't do shit. Hack my thread, talk shit about me, call me a troll but at least I ask for help. I'm gone just lock the thread or delete it. I still feel fine my face is just puffed up that's all. No gyno, but probs, high bp etc. That tough talk shit gets real old to
You ask questions, true but you don't listen to anybody's answers. What do u expect?