Too much test prop make you tired??


New member
Hi guys I was jabbing 1ml of test prop only EOD for 3 weeks and now I have upd the does to 1.5 ml EOD. At first I was raging horney and smashing the gym 4/5 days a week. But now I cannot get out of bed and have no motivation to go gym, when I decide to wake up I feel rough as fuck for about 3 hours, I feel like my adrenaline is pumping so much I cannot even eat that much I just constantly have some crazy rush running through my stomach about 10 hours a day. I'm a doorman and I love my job but I have no Intrest in removing people from the club now as I just feel fuckdd. Is it the test in general or is it TOO much test. Man at the gym told me to skip 2 jabs and go back down to 1ml EOD but I don't him that well to trust 1 opinion?..

Thanks lads..

Im on a TEST PROP only cycle stacked with whey protein and Creatine and Anti Esteogen tablets and that is all..

Hello Doorman- Foot Soldier lol,

Without blood work there s no concrete way to look at this other than with D.R.; that s "dead reckoning" if u are not a navigator.
If u were OK w 1 ml and now 1.5 makes you a sloth it s a fair guess that the E2 is not being adequately addressed w ur Anti e (AI ) meds. If u did not up the dose 50 percent that would be a D.R. hypothesis (that s a best guess).
Please post the following.
1 ml = ? mg of ur jab s
Your dosing ? mg of which A-I med and how often ?
Also u failed to mention how long u been jabbing mate as THAT IS essential intel.
I mean even MI5 or 6 know s that, right ?
Cheers !

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Hello Doorman- Foot Soldier lol,

Without blood work there s no concrete way to look at this other than with D.R.; that s "dead reckoning" if u are not a navigator.
If u were OK w 1 ml and now 1.5 makes you a sloth it s a fair guess that the E2 is not being adequately addressed w ur Anti e (AI ) meds. If u did not up the dose 50 percent that would be a D.R. hypothesis (that s a best guess).
Please post the following.
1 ml = ? mg of ur jab s
Your dosing ? mg of which A-I med and how often ?
Also u failed to mention how long u been jabbing mate as THAT IS essential intel.
I mean even MI5 or 6 know s that, right ?
Cheers !

I'm guessing there isn't an AI in the protocol or he should have mentioned that

How much weight gain since you started? Face look puffy?
OP where did you go...?
Are you using an AI...What is your cycle protocol and what are your stats. Really not to get on you hard but how the hell are we to know if you don't tell us your complete cycle and if you're using an AI.

DO you know anything about high and low E2 or what an AI is used for. I would guess my bottom dollar it is E2 and you are not controlling your Estrogen level.. Read up ...

This is probably a simple case of high estradiol "E2"

High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues
- Crying like a little girl and being emotional all the time
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Can you give a bit more detail on your anti estrogen tablets? Probably could be the culprit..
Can you give a bit more detail on your anti estrogen tablets? Probably could be the culprit..

Sorry OP I didn't see you had some Ai tabs ^^^ what are they ? Thanks Tbone

The more I think , if you are using some AI then you may have crashed E2.

Low Estrogen Side Effects:
-Loss of appetite
- Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue
- Lethargy

- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life
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He s a bouncer lad s...he s probably WORKING, has more of a life than say ME or got his answer and is a bonafide
..and blew us off. I predict he ll be back unless someone handed him his ass.

Bouncing 101---Never EVER RUN to a fight. Let it play itself out. Screw them guy s. BOTH have to go anyway...
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I'm betting this is dies and seep. Prop eod. I used to run tren and prop every day for months. Prop every day for a month at a time never felt tire unless I didn't eat properly of get enough sleep.

Maybe focus on the diet.
Bouncing 101---Never EVER RUN to a fight. Let it play itself out. Screw them guy s. BOTH have to go anyway...

Words of wisdom there dude....

Also when random strangers feel the need to run over and break it up bugs the shit outa me.