Took last inject on Wed, now a question...


New member
21 Days from Wed I will take:

clomid 300 mg day 1
clomid 100 mg the next 10 days
clomid 50 mg the next 10 days

Now my question is about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). When should I start taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? How much? How much should I expect to pay?

Also, I have been taking letro. When should I stop taking Letro?

Thank You
Nzom said:
21 Days from Wed I will take:

clomid 300 mg day 1
clomid 100 mg the next 10 days
clomid 50 mg the next 10 days

Now my question is about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). When should I start taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? How much? How much should I expect to pay?

Also, I have been taking letro. When should I stop taking Letro?

Thank You

REALLY hard to say without knowing your cycle, length, dosages, etc. However, as a VERY general pratice, you'd want to intro Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at the last week of your cycle, between 1500-3000 iu's, again, depending on your cycle, experience, etc. Also, try to time it so you stop your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) about 10 days before you start your post cycle therapy (pct) anti-e's. Pregnyl is a good one, have seen between 3x1500 ius and 5000iu amp for ~ $30.
Thanks for the reply. My cycle is 500 Sus for 12 weeks. HGH throughout the whole cycle, and I will continue it for about 6 more months.
Nzom said:
Thanks for the reply. My cycle is 500 Sus for 12 weeks. HGH throughout the whole cycle, and I will continue it for about 6 more months.

With "just" the Sustanon (sust) for the cycle, imo, I think you could get away with 1500ius, or crank that twice over two weeks. How's that strength with the sus and HGH, freakish? good luck bro